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Best Olive Oils for 2018 Will be Announced Tonight

The winners of the 2018 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition will be revealed at 5:30 (EDT).

NYIOOC panel member Karolina Brkić Bubola
By Olive Oil Times Staff
Apr. 26, 2018 07:09 UTC
NYIOOC panel member Karolina Brkić Bubola

After ana­lyz­ing one thou­sand olive oils from 28 coun­tries, the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition will unveil this year’s award win­ners at a press con­fer­ence tonight.

Once again, our judg­ing panel and sup­port teams have done an out­stand­ing job all week and they have done a great ser­vice to - Curtis Cord, NYIOOC President

The 5:30 PM (EDT) announce­ment will be streamed live via Facebook, Olive Oil Times, and on the offi­cial NYIOOC results web­site, bestoliveoils.org.

The sold-out event will be attended by 200 olive oil pro­duc­ers, dis­trib­u­tors, food indus­try pro­fes­sion­als and the inter­na­tional media.

Curtis Cord, the founder of the NYIOOC and the pub­lisher of Olive Oil Times said today that the pro­ceed­ings over the past week have gone exactly as planned. Our sup­port teams and the pro­to­cols they fol­lowed have suc­ceeded in allow­ing the judges to con­duct their analy­ses in an ideal envi­ron­ment with­out dis­trac­tion,” he said.

The win­ning olive oils are cov­eted by chefs, food buy­ers and dis­cern­ing con­sumers every­where who value extra vir­gin olive oils of the very high­est qual­ity.

Award win­ners will be listed in the Yearly Index of the World’s Best Olive Oils and many will be avail­able through the Best Olive Oils Marketplace, the online por­tal where buy­ers can source the win­ning oils from retail­ers and dis­trib­u­tors who stock them.


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