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‘Best Olive Oils Marketplace’ Offers World’s Top-Rated Extra Virgin Olive Oils

Early orders are exceeding expectations on the Marketplace, where every oil is an award winner at the prestigious New York International Olive Oil Competition

By Olive Oil Times Staff
May. 31, 2016 09:40 UTC

For those seek­ing the world’s best olive oils but are hard-pressed to find them in their local mar­ket, the wait is over.

The Best Olive Oils Marketplace offi­cially launched today, offer­ing nearly 100 of the world’s high­est-rated extra vir­gin olive oils from dozens of mer­chants on the only e‑commerce plat­form of its kind.

Anyone who wants this year’s best olive oils can choose from the large selec­tion of award win­ners, place one secure order and track ship­ments from trusted ven­dors right to their door.- Curtis Cord, NYIOOC President

The project, devel­oped by the New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC) and Olive Oil Times, allows sell­ers of NYIOOC award-win­ning prod­ucts to sell directly to Marketplace cus­tomers and reach an expanded audi­ence through the world’s most pop­u­lar net­work of olive oil web­sites.

With just a few easy clicks, any­one who wants this year’s best olive oils can choose from the large selec­tion of award win­ners, place one secure order and track ship­ments from trusted ven­dors right to their door,” said Curtis Cord, the pres­i­dent and founder of the NYIOOC.

Early orders have exceeded our expec­ta­tions and the sys­tem is work­ing beau­ti­fully. Shoppers are telling us they’re enjoy­ing the vast selec­tion and many are stock­ing their kitchens with a year’s sup­ply, choos­ing a vari­ety of rare oils to suit their pref­er­ences.”

Already, some favorites are emerg­ing as top sell­ers on the site, includ­ing the Gold Award-win­ning Venta del Baron and Oleostepa Seleccion from Spain, Oleaves Sicily from Italy, Grumpy Goats Farm Coratina from the United States and Case de Santo Amaro from Portugal.

For now, the Marketplace is lim­ited to orders shipped within the United States, but the devel­op­ment of the inter­na­tional edi­tion of the plat­form has already begun. Each year the NYIOOC iden­ti­fies the world’s best olive oils,” Cord said, and our job is to help peo­ple and busi­nesses, wher­ever they may be, obtain those win­ning oils quickly and eas­ily.”

Wholesale order­ing on the Marketplace is just as easy. Restaurants, retail­ers and other ver­i­fied buy­ers can access the exten­sive selec­tion to place bulk orders on the sys­tem to offer the best olive oils to their cus­tomers.

Importers and mer­chants of NYIOOC award-win­ning olive oils who wish to sell on the Marketplace can set up their pro­file in a few sim­ple steps and begin sell­ing in min­utes. For more infor­ma­tion, visit the Best Olive Oils Marketplace web­site.


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