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Both Sides of Labeling Divide Satisfied As Amended Bill Passes California Senate

The bill, AB-535, would require brands that use the term “California” in their name to disclose the minimum percentage of California olive oil in their blended products.
By Daniel Dawson
Sep. 1, 2021 10:45 UTC

California’s State Senate has passed an amended Assembly Bill 535 by a near-unan­i­mous mar­gin. Thirty-eight state sen­a­tors from both par­ties voted in favor of AB-535, with two absten­tions.

The con­tro­ver­sial olive oil label­ing bill will now go to the governor’s desk, from which point it is expected to be signed into law.

Is it as won­der­ful as the orig­i­nal ver­sion? No. But that’s pol­i­tics and I still think the spirit of the bill is intact. I still think it will help con­sumers and smaller domes­tic pro­duc­ers like us.- Samantha Dorsey, pres­i­dent, McEvoy Ranch

Proponents of the leg­is­la­tion cel­e­brated the bill’s pas­sage as a vic­tory for truth in label­ing, despite their con­tention that the final ver­sion of the bill had been sig­nif­i­cantly watered down.

Meanwhile, oppo­nents of AB-535 were pleased with the con­ces­sions won in the sen­ate that removed the most strin­gent require­ments from the bill.

See Also:California’s Olive Oil Producers Face Uncertain Future as Historic Drought Continues

I am still 100-per­cent sup­port­ive of AB-535 even in its cur­rent con­di­tion,” Samantha Dorsey, the pres­i­dent of McEvoy Ranch and mem­ber of the California Coalition for Truth in Olive Oil Labeling (CCTOOL), which has lob­bied heav­ily in favor of the bill since its intro­duc­tion in 2020, told Olive Oil Times. When it does pass, I think it will be a ben­e­fit for our state. The com­pro­mise is just part of that process.”

Originally, AB-535 sought to pro­hibit the use of the word California’ on any label, brand name or offi­cial com­pany doc­u­ments if it was not pro­duced from 100-per­cent California-grown olives.

It is unlaw­ful to label any olive oil with a rep­re­sen­ta­tion that all the olives used to pro­duce the olive oil were grown in California, includ­ing the terms California olive oil,’ California olives,’ or some­thing sub­stan­tially sim­i­lar, unless all the olives used to pro­duce the olive oil were grown in California,” the orig­i­nal text of the bill read.

Supporters of the bill said the leg­is­la­tion – in its orig­i­nal word­ing – was designed to end mis­lead­ing prac­tices and level the play­ing field by mak­ing sure the word California’ was solely asso­ci­ated with California prod­ucts and not imported blends.

Meanwhile, oppo­nents of the bill, includ­ing California Olive Ranch (COR), the largest olive oil pro­ducer in the United States, said the bill was a less-than-sub­tle attempt to pun­ish large pro­duc­ers.

However, Michael Fox, the company’s CEO, told Olive Oil Times that he was sat­is­fied with the com­pro­mises reached in the Senate. The amended bill will allow the com­pany to keep their Global Blend brand, which is made with olives from California, Portugal, Argentina and Chile, under the COR label.


California Olive Ranch

It’s a com­pro­mise, and we were really grate­ful for the author’s office for being will­ing to work with us and hats off to the Senate Agriculture Committee,” Fox said. I don’t think every­one got what they wanted, but that’s what com­pro­mise is, get­ting to a place that we can all live with.”

The new lan­guage of the bill states that com­pa­nies such as COR can keep California” promi­nently embla­zoned at the top of labels of prod­ucts made with olives grown out­side of California as long as the min­i­mum per­cent­age of olives from California is placed on the label in the same font, size and color.

This bill would also require a con­tainer of olive oil pro­duced, processed, sold, offered for sale, given away or pos­sessed in California that includes California’ in any form on its prin­ci­pal dis­play panel and con­tains olive oil derived from olives grown out­side California to dis­close the min­i­mum per­cent­age of olive oil in the con­tainer derived from olives grown in California,” the amended bill reads. The bill would pre­scribe spe­cific lan­guage to make the dis­clo­sure and require that it be in the same font, size and color as the word California.’”

Once the bill is signed into law, a process that may be com­pli­cated by the guber­na­to­r­ial recall elec­tion set to take place on September 14, the new reg­u­la­tions will apply to all olive oil pro­duced after December 31, 2021.

Despite the uncer­tainty sur­round­ing the recall elec­tion on the cur­rent leg­isla­tive ses­sion, Fox said COR is already mak­ing the appro­pri­ate changes to the Global Blend brand, act­ing as if the law has already been passed.


We assume that the law will be signed, and so we are in the process of mak­ing changes to our labels,” he said. Our Global Blend series will be updated to reflect these com­pli­ance needs.”

Along with lim­it­ing the use of the term California” on olive oil labels in the state, the orig­i­nal ver­sion of AB-535 also sought to limit the use of or ref­er­ence to spe­cific California regions unless 85 per­cent of the olives used to make the oil were grown in that region.

See Also:A Third of The Best American Olive Oils Come from This California Region

It is unlaw­ful to label any olive oil with a label indi­cat­ing or rep­re­sent­ing that the olives used to pro­duce the olive oil were grown in a spe­cific region of California, or to make a rep­re­sen­ta­tion to that effect, unless at least 85 per­cent of the olive oil, by weight, was pro­duced from olives grown in that spe­cific region,” the orig­i­nal ver­sion of the bill read.

However, his part of the bill was also amended – watered down, in the view of its pro­po­nents – to allow com­pa­nies such as Napa Valley Naturals to keep their brand name in place on bot­tles of olive oil in which less than 85 per­cent of the olives came from the ref­er­enced region.


Olive oil pro­duced, processed, sold, offered for sale, given away or pos­sessed in California, that indi­cates on its label that it is from a spe­cific region of California shall be made of oil at least 85 per­cent of which, by weight, is derived from olives grown in the spec­i­fied region,” the amended bill reads.

This sec­tion does not pro­hibit an olive oil pro­ducer or proces­sor from using a truth­ful, non-mis­lead­ing state­ment or rep­re­sen­ta­tion regard­ing the geo­graphic ori­gin of the olives used in the pro­duc­tion of the olive oil in any label, pack­ag­ing mate­r­ial or adver­tis­ing if the label, pack­ag­ing mate­r­ial or adver­tis­ing con­tains no rep­re­sen­ta­tion that is pro­hib­ited by this sec­tion,” the amended bill con­tin­ues.

According to an analy­sis of the bill by the law firm Keller and Heckman, which spe­cial­izes in food and drug law, as long as com­pa­nies such as Napa Valley Naturals do not con­nect the terms olive oil” and Napa Valley on their labels or asso­ci­ated mate­ri­als, they will remain com­pli­ant.

For exam­ple, a brand name like Napa Valley Naturals’ includes ref­er­ence to a spe­cific California region, but does not make rep­re­sen­ta­tions that the olive oil is pro­duced in that region, and thus would not be sub­ject to the bill require­ments,” the firm wrote. However, a phrase like Napa Valley olive oil’ would be required to meet the 85 per­cent require­ment.”

While nei­ther side of the divide over California’s truth-in-label­ing debate got exactly what they wanted, both sides agreed that California con­sumers ulti­mately ben­e­fit from the new leg­is­la­tion.

I think it will still be help­ful for our con­sumers to see more clearly what is in the bot­tle,” Dorsey said. Is it as won­der­ful as the orig­i­nal ver­sion? No. But that’s pol­i­tics, and I still think the spirit of the bill is intact. I still think it will help con­sumers and smaller domes­tic pro­duc­ers like us.”

The con­sumers that will really care about this are the [ones pas­sion­ate about California olive oil],” Fox con­cluded. If this helps them under­stand fur­ther, then we’re happy to do it.”


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