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A New Way for Retailers and Restaurants to Stock the World's Best Olive Oils

The Best Olive Oils Marketplace, the e-commerce platform for award-winning extra virgin olive oils, is now open to wholesale buyers.

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Jun. 30, 2016 13:12 UTC

Food retail­ers and restau­rants can now be sure the olive oils they offer cus­tomers are the best on Earth.

The Best Olive Oils Marketplace, the e‑commerce plat­form for award-win­ning extra vir­gin olive oils, is now open to whole­sale buy­ers.

It should­n’t be a guess­ing game when it comes to buy­ing good olive oil.- Curtis Cord, NYIOOC

Now, restau­rants and spe­cialty retail­ers can rest assured they are buy­ing only extra vir­gin olive oils that have achieved out­stand­ing marks for qual­ity at this year’s New York International Olive Oil Competition,” said NYIOOC pres­i­dent, Curtis Cord.

It should­n’t be a guess­ing game when it comes to buy­ing good olive oil, and it should­n’t be a deci­sion based on pretty pack­ag­ing or on pric­ing alone.”

The Marketplace fea­tures only extra vir­gin olive oils that were awarded at the NYIOOC — the largest and most pres­ti­gious olive oil qual­ity con­test in the world held each April in New York. This year’s com­pe­ti­tion eval­u­ated more than 820 entries from 26 coun­tries in the most exten­sive olive oil qual­ity assess­ment ever con­ducted.

Wholesale buy­ers for retail shops, restau­rants, and other food busi­nesses can reg­is­ter on the plat­form to buy in bulk. Once approved, they can browse the win­ning oils, place an order, and track their ship­ments right to their door.

The web­site is opti­mized for ease of use on all devices and ven­dors are rated for fast order dis­patch­ing and qual­ity sup­port.

The Best Olive Oils Marketplace was jointly devel­oped by the New York International Olive Oil Competition and Olive Oil Times. In announc­ing the launch of the por­tal in April, Cord said: With the intro­duc­tion of this inno­v­a­tive plat­form, we will help the pro­duc­ers and sell­ers of these high-qual­ity prod­ucts reach a much larger audi­ence — and that lies at the very heart of our mis­sion.”

At this time, the Marketplace is open to buy­ers in the United States only but, Cord noted, inter­na­tional order­ing is being devel­oped for an upcom­ing release.


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