`Canena Castle Hosts 'Jaén Experience' - Olive Oil Times
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Canena Castle Hosts 'Jaén Experience'

By Pandora Penamil Penafiel
May. 22, 2012 11:21 UTC

The first edi­tion of Jaen Experience,” orga­nized by the com­pany Castillo de Canena Olive Juice and its dis­trib­u­tor in Jaén , Manjar Sibarit, on May 21st was vis­ited by over 1,000 peo­ple who enjoyed culi­nary delights pre­pared by six chefs from Jaén, tast­ings and a selec­tion of the best del­i­catessen prod­ucts from Spain.

Some of the recipes were, for exam­ple, a deli­cious octo­pus cookie inflated with rice and Castillo de Canena Picual or Salmon with green apple jelly with Castillo de Canena First Day of Harvest Arbequino.

The new gourmet space Jaén Experience” — a suc­cess accord­ing to its orga­niz­ers — has been the first oil-eno-gas­tro­nomic” fusion day cel­e­brated in Spain and Castillo de Canena plans to make it annual. Guests tasted the wines from 14 of the best bode­gas in Spain, as well as ham, caviar, smoked salmon, Spanish cava and French cham­pagne.

Along with plenty of extra vir­gin olive oil from Jaén, there were tast­ings of the best Spanish winer­ies, such as Vinos Habla, Artadi, Ostatu, Rafael Palacios, Alonso del Yerro, Cortijo Los Aguilares, Equipo Navazos, Tomás Postigo, Arzuaga, Bodegas y Productos Selectos AV, Bodegas Gerardo Méndez, Vila Vinoteca, Pujanza, Antídoto Cepas Viejas y Finca Sandoval, as well as French cham­pagne Billecart-Salmon.

Visitors tasted Carpier smoked salmon, Nacarii Caviar, Don Bocarte pre­served food, Castro y González Ham and Recaredo Cava.

Chefs included Juan Pablo Gámez from Senses Restaurant (Linares), Francisco Navarro and Francisco José Cortés, from Támesis Restaurant (Jaén), Pedro Sánchez, from Casa Antonio Restaurant (Jaén); Montse de la Torre, from Cantina de la Estación Restaurant (Úbeda); and Juan Carlos Trujillo Teruel from Canela en Rama Restaurant (Linares). They cooked live for atten­dees with the raw mate­r­ial pro­duced by the Jaén Experience par­tic­i­pants.

Francisco Vañó, CEO of Castillo de Canena Olive Juice said the aim was to cre­ate an annual space that can recre­ate unique gourmet expe­ri­ences, attrac­tive and inno­v­a­tive pair­ings, live cook­ings and con­tin­u­ous tast­ings.”

Rosa Vañó with Juan A. Peñamil


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