`Community Programs Help Greeks in Tough Times - Olive Oil Times
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Community Programs Help Greeks in Tough Times

By Costas Vasilopoulos
Dec. 17, 2012 12:03 UTC

With the finan­cial cri­sis still over­whelm­ing, many Greeks are sim­ply unable to meet their day-to-day bills and expenses. And while the prices of the basic com­modi­ties are far from drop­ping, new ways have been dis­cov­ered to com­pen­sate for cit­i­zens’ reduced pur­chas­ing power.

There is a trend all around Greece of prod­ucts being sold directly from pro­duc­ers to con­sumers, thus keep­ing the costs low and enabling peo­ple to buy things they could­n’t afford oth­er­wise. The so called no mid­dle­men” move­ment was ini­ti­ated by a group of pro­duc­ers in north­ern Greece and has now been adopted by the local author­i­ties every­where in the coun­try. Street mar­kets have been set up and the dis­tressed cit­i­zens are rush­ing to get pota­toes, rice, cheese, flour, onions and olive oil which cost up to 40 per­cent less than their reg­u­lar prices. Provided that the goods are secure to be con­sumed, this win-win rela­tion­ship is a sheer balm on the wounds of Greek cit­i­zens.

Another ini­tia­tive is the One bot­tle of olive oil for each unem­ployed” action, which calls for every olive oil pro­ducer and oil mill owner to offer some of their oil sup­ply to the Solidarity for All’ orga­ni­za­tion, which in turn will give it to fam­i­lies that suf­fer the most from the cri­sis. According to the orga­ni­za­tion, mill own­ers and pro­duc­ers rose to the occa­sion and bot­tles are already being handed out to peo­ple in many areas of Greece.

Difficult times require dras­tic mea­sures, and there is always a need for uncon­ven­tional acts and prac­tices of good­will.


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