`Confirmed: Tree is as Old as it Looks - Olive Oil Times
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Confirmed: Tree is as Old as it Looks

By Olive Oil Times Staff
May. 5, 2015 12:49 UTC

Edin Buzuku knew his olive tree was old. Now, with the help of sci­en­tists from Istanbul Forestry University, he knows how old: 1,314 years.

The ancient tree stands within Buzuku’s fam­ily grove in the seafront city of Ulcinj in Montenegro.

The plan­ta­tion’s other trees are a rel­a­tively young 800 years of age, Buzuku said, all bear­ing olives of the local Zutica vari­ety from which the fam­ily has for cen­turies pro­duced its Montenegro extra vir­gin olive oil and soaps.

A cer­tifi­cate granted by the Wood Anatomy and Tree-Ring Research Laboratory at Istanbul University, indi­cates the age was deter­mined by den­drochrono­log­i­cal meth­ods, which is the sci­en­tific process of dat­ing based on the analy­sis of pat­terns of tree rings.


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