`Countdown to New York International Olive Oil Competition - Olive Oil Times
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Countdown to New York International Olive Oil Competition

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Apr. 2, 2014 08:23 UTC

In what has become a highly antic­i­pated annual culi­nary hap­pen­ing, the sec­ond New York International Olive Oil Competition will kick off Tuesday before a sold-out audi­ence at the International Culinary Center in Soho.

Nearly 700 entries from 25 coun­tries will be scru­ti­nized by an inter­na­tional panel of experts over four days of judg­ing to iden­tify the best extra vir­gin olive oils for 2014. The win­ners will be unveiled at a press con­fer­ence on Thursday, April 10.

Coinciding with the world’s most impor­tant olive oil qual­ity com­pe­ti­tion, a sold-out con­fer­ence on olive oil qual­ity and mar­ket­ing in the International Culinary Theater will fea­ture renowned experts and busi­ness lead­ers includ­ing the CEO of the world’s largest olive oil com­pany, Jaime Carbó, the exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Madrid-based International Olive Council, Jean-Louis Barjol, Fairway Market’s Steven Jenkins and International Culinary Center founder Dorothy Cann Hamilton. The event will be broad­cast around the world to sub­scribers of the live video feed.

But for qual­ity-minded olive oil pro­duc­ers on six con­ti­nents the big moment will be Thursday’s press con­fer­ence, where, at 6:00 PM (EDT), NYIOOC pres­i­dent Curtis Cord will press a but­ton that will unveil the com­pe­ti­tion win­ners on the offi­cial results web­site bestoliveoils.org and syn­di­cated to inter­na­tional media out­lets.

We could not be more excited to again have this oppor­tu­nity to rec­og­nize and cel­e­brate the world’s best olive oils in the world’s great­est city,” said Cord. We have the most esteemed panel of expert judges ever assem­bled who will taste their way through an aston­ish­ing col­lec­tion of entries. The win­ning oils will be cov­eted by chefs, food buy­ers and con­sumers every­where who know the value of the very high­est qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oils.”

For nore infor­ma­tion, visit nyiooc.org.


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