`Czechs Pay the Most for Olive Oil, EU Survey Shows - Olive Oil Times
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Czechs Pay the Most for Olive Oil, EU Survey Shows

By Julie Butler
May. 29, 2014 13:32 UTC

The aver­age retail price of a liter of extra vir­gin olive oil ranged from €10.36 ($14.10) to €2.69 ($3.66) across 19 European Union coun­tries, accord­ing to data com­piled by the EU’s sta­tis­ti­cal office.

The most expen­sive aver­age was in the Czech Republic and the cheap­est in the world’s biggest olive oil pro­ducer, Spain, though Eurostat noted the olive oil sur­veyed there also included other grades.

According to the updated detailed aver­age prices” project, pub­lished May 15, in 2012 the aver­age cost of a liter of extra vir­gin olive oil for all 19 coun­tries was €6.88 ($9.37) and the median €6.85 ($9.32).

Olive oil cheaper in Western Europe, Mediterranean basin

The low­est aver­ages tended to be in the Mediterranean basin and Western Europe, and the high­est on the other side of the con­ti­nent. After Spain, the oil was cheap­est in Turkey (€4.55), the Netherlands (€4.84), Cyprus (€4.96) and Italy (€5.00), while the next most expen­sive after the Czech Republic was Slovakia (€10.08), Slovenia (€9.11), Croatia (€8.50) and Poland (€8.41), though it was noted that quan­ti­ties may have dif­fered in the data used for the lat­ter.

Prices lower than in 2008

Compared to a sim­i­lar sur­vey in 2008, and with­out adjust­ing for infla­tion, the 1L aver­ages in 2012 were gen­er­ally lower, with the biggest drop in Poland (-€3.06), fol­lowed by Turkey (-€1.01), the Czech Republic (-€0.96), Spain (-€0.73) and Greece (-€0.39).

Also mon­i­tor­ing cof­fee, cin­ema tick­ets

Eurostat said that among the 156 prod­ucts sur­veyed in 2012 for the project, the aver­age prices of a num­ber of prod­ucts were sim­i­lar across Europe, one exam­ple being white sugar (1kg fine, gran­u­lated), which ranged from €1.46, in Cyprus, to €0.92, in Poland. A kilo of wheat flour ranged from €1.22, in Greece, to €0.46, in the Czech Republic, and a cup of cof­fee from €0.54 in Bulgaria to €3.29 in Switzerland.

The low­est aver­age price of cin­ema tick­ets (one ticket, Saturday evening) was in Slovakia, €3.27, and the high­est in Finland, €10.93, while the price of cig­a­rettes (pack of 20, fil­ter) went from €2.32 in Lithuania to aver­age prices in Ireland and the United Kingdom above 9 €/pack.


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