`Day of Olive Oil at Washington's Smithsonian - Olive Oil Times
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Day of Olive Oil at Washington's Smithsonian

By Denise Johnson
Aug. 2, 2014 16:03 UTC

It was a day for olive oil at the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. Saturday, August 3rd, where a sold-out audi­ence of more than 100 par­tic­i­pated in an all-day sem­i­nar led by Curtis Cord, the pub­lisher of Olive Oil Times.

The inter­ac­tive pro­gram was designed to pro­vide an under­stand­ing of olive oil, from its his­tor­i­cal and cul­tural ori­gins to its place in mod­ern culi­nary appli­ca­tions.

Olive oil health ben­e­fits, pro­duc­tion processes, qual­ity fac­tors and sen­sory assess­ment top­ics were exam­ined within an infor­mal, con­ver­sa­tional for­mat that engaged atten­dees who asked ques­tions freely.

Throughout the day, par­tic­i­pants were treated to a tour of many of this year’s best olive oils — all award win­ners at the 2014 New York International Olive Oil Competition. A Passport to the World’s Best Olive Oils” pre­sented to atten­dees con­tained a com­plete list­ing of the 2014 NYIOOC win­ners and where to buy them.

Tickets to The World of Olive Oil” sem­i­nar were $150, or $110 for Smithsonian mem­bers, and went quickly, accord­ing to orga­niz­ers. The event was held at the Smithsonian’s Discovery Theater.

Oils from a wide range of coun­tries were rep­re­sented, and spe­cific olive cul­ti­vars were high­lighted in food pair­ings that illus­trated olive oil’s unique abil­ity to ele­vate the tastes of foods.

Cord said the event was an oppor­tu­nity to fos­ter a greater under­stand­ing of olive oil and pro­vide peo­ple with the tools to make bet­ter buy­ing deci­sions. He added that he was hon­ored to be asked by the Smithsonian to give the talk.

It was a fun day, the audi­ence was engaged, and today there are some peo­ple here who know more about this impor­tant food than they did yes­ter­day, and that’s progress.”


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