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Google Recommends Olive Oil as Butter Substitute to 40M Oscars Viewers

When most mentions of olive oil these days tend to be on the negative side, the Google spot rests the brand's stellar credibility behind one uncomplicated truth: you can use olive oil instead of butter for cooking.

Google Home
By Olive Oil Times Staff
Feb. 27, 2017 08:31 UTC
Google Home

In a com­mer­cial for its Home device, Google told an esti­mated 40 mil­lion view­ers of the Academy Awards last night that olive oil can be a sub­sti­tute for but­ter in cook­ing.

For every cup of but­ter, sub­sti­tute three-quar­ters cup of olive oil.- Google Home Commercial

Okay Google, what’s a good sub­sti­tute for but­ter?” a man asks in the 15-sec­ond spot that aired through­out the four-hour Oscars broad­cast.

For every cup of but­ter, sub­sti­tute three-quar­ters cup of olive oil,” the Google device responds, offer­ing a con­ver­sion that takes into account the dif­fer­ence in den­sity of the two fats.

After a pause, the man then asks, Okay Google, what’s a good sub­sti­tute for olive oil?” (Maybe the uncon­scionable absence of olive oil in the man’s kitchen is due to this year’s over-pub­li­cized olive oil short­age scare.) That ques­tion, how­ever, seems to leave even Google speech­less, as the com­mer­cial cuts away. After all, there really is no sub­sti­tute for olive oil.

While such a pass­ing ref­er­ence might not be note­wor­thy for some indus­tries, the high-pro­file men­tion can be seen as a wel­come prod­uct plug for the olive oil sec­tor which has been try­ing to get peo­ple to con­sider olive oil as a health­ier option well-suited for cook­ing.

Unlike some sec­tors, olive oil has no con­certed pro­mo­tional cam­paigns that could reach such a world­wide audi­ence. And even if it did, the sim­plic­ity of Google’s inci­den­tal plug would be hard to beat.

And when most men­tions of olive oil these days tend to be on the neg­a­tive side, the Google spot rests the brand’s stel­lar cred­i­bil­ity behind one uncom­pli­cated truth: you can use olive oil instead of but­ter for cook­ing.


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