`Greek Police Investigate Olive Oil Stolen at Gunpoint - Olive Oil Times
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Greek Police Investigate Olive Oil Stolen at Gunpoint

By Marissa Tejada
Sep. 19, 2013 13:23 UTC


Greek police are inves­ti­gat­ing three olive oil rob­bery inci­dents that occurred over the past few weeks, two of them involved steal­ing the olive oil at gun­point.

Armed in Thessaloniki

One inci­dent occurred after a deliv­ery man trav­eled to an undis­closed loca­tion in Thessaloniki to make a large deliv­ery of olive oil. According to the Greek news­pa­per DefenceNet, when the deliv­ery man arrived at the site, four men forced him to hand over the olive oil as well as some other food prod­ucts at gun­point. The total value of the goods stolen was report­edly worth 4,000 euros.

The sec­ond armed rob­bery involv­ing olive oil took place in at the EKO sports arena where olive oil was being stored. Various news sources reported that in broad day­light, six armed men allegedly stole a total of 50 crates filled with bot­tles of olive oil. Witnesses later told police they saw the gun­men load­ing the boxes into an unmarked van with­out license plates.

Patras Robbery

In the Western Peloponnese city of Patras, police are inves­ti­gat­ing a third olive oil rob­bery where thieves stole large, heavy tanks of olive oil from an elderly resident’s stor­age area in the sub­urb of Saraveli. According to a local news report, the elderly woman told police she had left her home for a short time on a Saturday night only to return to find her stor­age shed had been bro­ken into. Thieves had man­aged to take sev­eral large and heavy tanks filled olive oil and a few tools. The bur­glars didn’t break into the main house.

According to the the Top 7 Patras arti­cle, It’s an exam­ple of the poverty that exists today in our soci­ety.”

The recent olive oil rob­beries fol­low the news of other olive oil related crimes that took place in both Thessaloniki and Athens ear­lier in the sum­mer. Greek police had made sev­eral arrests in both cities related to two sep­a­rate olive oil fraud rings.


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