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Marketplace for World's Best Extra Virgin Olive Oils Nears Launch

A new "Buy Now" button will soon appear beside the winning brands on bestoliveoils.org, the annual guide to the best olive oils in the world.

By Olive Oil Times Staff
May. 12, 2016 08:56 UTC

The Best Olive Oils Marketplace, an online e‑commerce plat­form fea­tur­ing the win­ners of the New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC), is set to launch in just a few days.

The Marketplace is an ini­tia­tive, devel­oped by NYIOOC over the past year, where peo­ple and busi­nesses can buy win­ning oils from mer­chants who stock them in a seam­less, online expe­ri­ence opti­mized for every device.

Curtis Cord, the NYIOOC pres­i­dent, announced the ini­tia­tive last month at a press con­fer­ence in New York.

The new Marketplace is inte­grated within bestoliveoils.org — the offi­cial results web­site of NYIOOC — where a new Buy Now” but­ton will soon appear beside the win­ning brands.

Marketplace prod­ucts will be pro­moted through­out the pages of Olive Oil Times — the world’s most pop­u­lar web­site for olive oil news and infor­ma­tion — and other chan­nels.

More than 100 dis­trib­u­tors and retail­ers have estab­lished an account on the plat­form and are set to sell their prod­ucts when the site launches to the pub­lic.

Vendors, includ­ing retail­ers, importers and dis­trib­u­tors, man­age their inven­tory, pric­ing and pro­files right on the site, gen­er­ate ship­ping labels and pack­ing slips on the plat­form, and ship orders directly to their Marketplace cus­tomers.

Buyers, includ­ing con­sumers and ver­i­fied whole­sale cus­tomers such as retail­ers and restau­rants, sim­ply choose which win­ning oils they wish to buy and they can track their order all the way to their door.

Vendors of NYIOOC award win­ners who ship from U.S. ware­houses can reg­is­ter to sell on the Marketplace here. International orders are planned in a future release.


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