`Napa Olive Oil Merchant Recovering from Earthquake - Olive Oil Times
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Napa Olive Oil Merchant Recovering from Earthquake

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Sep. 2, 2014 07:49 UTC

Napa olive oil mer­chant, Lucero Olive Oil is reported to have lost 90 per­cent of their olive oil inven­tory after a 6.0 earth­quake shook the region early last Sunday morn­ing. Dewey Lucero esti­mated a loss of 500 bot­tles of olive oil in the Napa tast­ing room and retail store, each priced at roughly $20 per bot­tle.

Lucero is a third gen­er­a­tion olive oil busi­ness owned by Dewey Lucero who’s grand­par­ents are cred­ited with grow­ing many of the trees cur­rently in pro­duc­tion in Northern California. They stock a vari­ety ofex­tra vir­gin olive oils along with fla­vored vari­eties and bal­samic vine­gars. The busi­ness has expanded to three loca­tions in Portland, Oregon, Corning, CA, and Napa since open­ing in 2005; the Napa loca­tion opened in October of 2013.

ABC News cited olive oil and vine­gar run­ning into the Napa side­walks around the area at 1012 First Street where the busi­ness is located as a result of the earth­quake. Many other busi­nesses suf­fered shat­tered win­dows and more severe struc­tural dam­age due to the quake.

While the mer­chants of Napa Valley are still deal­ing with the reper­cus­sions of the nat­ural dis­as­ter, they were hop­ing to con­duct busi­ness as usual this Labor Day week­end. According to the down­town Napa Association, 90 per­cent of busi­nesses are open. You can still come to Napa and absolutely have a Napa Valley expe­ri­ence,” said Executive Director, Craig Smith. Lucero Olive Oil will be open.


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