`10th 'New Olive Oil Days' in Vodnjan, Croatia - Olive Oil Times
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10th 'New Olive Oil Days' in Vodnjan, Croatia

By Isabel Putinja
Nov. 10, 2014 12:26 UTC

The city of Vodnjan in Istria, Croatia, will be host­ing the 10th edi­tion of the New Olive Oil Days” (10. Dani Mladog Maslinog Ulja) from November 14 to 16, 2014. This annual three-day inter­na­tional gas­tro­nomic event cel­e­brat­ing new olive oil brings together olive oil grow­ers and pro­duc­ers from across the Adriatic region.

Croatia pro­duces some of the world’s best olive oils. At the 2014 New York International Olive Oil Competition, Croatia took home nine awards, with just 13 entries — a higher rate of suc­cess than any other coun­try with 10 or more entries.

Klaudio Vitasović, the mayor of Vodnjan, which is the cen­ter of an olive-pro­duc­ing region of South Istria, said that inter­est in the fes­ti­val grows with each edi­tion. First held in 2005, this unique gas­tro­nomic event attracts thou­sands of vis­i­tors.

For the 10th edi­tion of New Olive Oil Days,” over 90 exhibitors will be tak­ing part. Visitors can attend tast­ing ses­sions where they can sam­ple over 200 high-qual­ity olive oils pro­duced in the Adriatic region, while at the Oil Bar” they can learn how to appraise the qual­ity of olive oil by expe­ri­enc­ing a tast­ing ses­sion guided by pro­fes­sion­als. There will also be lec­tures and pre­sen­ta­tions on a vari­ety of top­ics related to olive grow­ing and agri­cul­ture.

A high­light of the event is cook­ing demon­stra­tions by some of the best chefs of the Istrian region. Following the suc­cess of culi­nary work­shops intro­duced last year fea­tur­ing local celebrity chef and choco­latier Robert Perić, the renowned chef will be back at this year’s edi­tion offer­ing vis­i­tors the chance to learn how to cook a four-course meal pre­pared with high qual­ity Istrian olive oil.


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