`Modesty and Mastery Inspire New Siurana DOP Image - Olive Oil Times
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Modesty and Mastery Inspire New Siurana DOP Image

By Julie Butler
Dec. 30, 2013 10:08 UTC
Alex Fdez-Cruz Soldevila, direc­tor of Barcelona-based mar­ket­ing and web design agency Frescota.

They used to claim their extra vir­gin olive oil was the best oil in the world” — and they still think it is — but the pro­duc­ers of Catalonia’s Siurana DOP now have a new slo­gan that instead empha­sizes their innate under­stand­ing” of it.

The move away from the world-best boast was due to a feel­ing that such things are okay for a grand­par­ent to say about their grand­chil­dren” but don’t sound good when you say them about your­self,” accord­ing to Alex Fdez-Cruz Soldevila, direc­tor of Barcelona-based mar­ket­ing and web design agency Frescota.

Frescota is behind the image makeover — includ­ing a new logo, label­ing, web­site and slo­gan — for the DOP (Protected Denomination of Origin), which cov­ers 12,000ha in Tarragona, in south­ern Catalonia, and an aver­age annual cer­ti­fied pro­duc­tion of 4,000t.

Artisanal tra­di­tion stressed

Fdez-Cruz said the slo­gan Entendre l’oli” — which he trans­lates from Catalan as Understanding olive oil” — is much more pow­er­ful.

It says that Siurana is a com­mu­nity where olive oil has been part of the cul­ture for cen­turies and peo­ple are experts in its pro­duc­tion — they have inher­ited a tra­di­tion of under­stand­ing what mak­ing vir­gin extra olive oil is all about.

The level of qual­ity has been recog­nised by the rest of the world and many awards reflect it. This is why the pro­duc­ers do not have to say we make the best olive oil in the world” — that has to be said by experts and con­sumers,” he said.

Simple but suf­fi­ciently strik­ing logo sought

Meanwhile he hopes the new logo — a drop of oil plung­ing from a plump olive under a canopy of two olive tree leaves — will pro­voke in con­sumers a sense of dis­tinc­tion, ele­gance and tra­di­tion.”

After doing a bench­mark study of dif­fer­ent oil regions world­wide we decided on a sim­ple, clean, black and white design. We wanted a logo that was under­stated but ele­gant, one that hav­ing seen just once you would nev­er­the­less remem­ber,” he said.

Price mat­ters to con­sumers but so do qual­ity and ori­gin

Development of the logo and brand claim was a process that took about six weeks, then Frescota designed a new web­site, pic­tures and video, which took about five months or more because we had to wait for the right moment to take the pho­tos and shoot the video.”

Consumer research guided the work and revealed that, price is very impor­tant but peo­ple are will­ing to pay more if they under­stand they are pur­chas­ing pre­mium qual­ity vir­gin extra olive oil,” Fdez-Cruz said.

The region is also impor­tant yet not many con­sumers know that some of the finest oils are made here. They think that Jaén and other areas in the south of Spain are the best olive oil pro­duc­ers, which is not true as it is much hot­ter there and that affects the oils’ qual­ity due to the high tem­per­a­tures that the olives are sub­jected to once they are har­vested and even in the mills.”

Lack of aware­ness of DOP rig­ors

Fdez-Cruz said many con­sumers were also unaware that in order to be able to put the DOP Siurana stamp on a bot­tle of oil pro­duced in that area, the stan­dards and require­ments are very high.”

For exam­ple, when the olives are har­vested, they must be car­ried in small bas­kets so they aren’t harmed or squashed by pres­sure, as they might be if car­ried in large con­tain­ers. And they are promptly taken to the mill, where they are kept under 30ºC in order to con­serve the mol­e­cules and all the qual­ity of the arbe­quina olives that grow in this region influ­enced by the winds and humid­ity of the Mediterranean sea,” he said.

Slogan cap­tures ances­tral wis­dom”

Siurana DOP pres­i­dent Francisco Prats said the new logo was very clear, ele­gant and dis­tinc­tive, while the new slo­gan con­veys an ances­tral wis­dom in the man­age­ment of olive groves, the mak­ing of olive oil, and all the cul­ture sur­round­ing this that impreg­nates the towns and vil­lages of the Siurana DOP.”


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