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Researchers Find New Technique to Prevent Olive Oil Fraud

By Pandora Penamil Penafiel
Jun. 7, 2012 21:34 UTC

A research team directed by a chem­istry pro­fes­sor at the University of Córdoba (UCO), Miguel Valcarcel Cases, is study­ing an ana­lyt­i­cal tech­nique to qual­ify extra vir­gin olive oil and pre­vent fraud.

The team from the International Agricultural Excellence Campus (CeiA3) said today in a state­ment that it has designed an eval­u­a­tion model based on the tech­nique of ion mobil­ity spec­trom­e­try (EMI).

After two years of study, researchers say EMI offers an effec­tive way to ensure that the ana­lyzed juice meets the require­ments to be con­sid­ered and labeled as extra vir­gin.”

The tech­nique is pre­sented as a pos­si­ble sys­tem of screen­ing and could be eas­ily used by the olive oil sec­tor since it allows fast and easy analy­sis” of oil sam­ples, accord­ing to the researchers.

Professor Miguel Valcarcel explained that EMI could be a tech­nique with good apti­tudes for the study of the qual­ity of olive oil sam­ples to avoid an eco­nomic loss for pro­duc­ers and cur­rent fraud.”

Researchers said that due to the com­plex­ity of the chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion of the dif­fer­ent EVOO sam­ples, they still must inves­ti­gate fur­ther poten­tials of this tech­nique to com­plete its power of clas­si­fi­ca­tion and pre­dic­tion with 100% cer­tainty so that its use is fea­si­ble in agri­food lab­o­ra­to­ries.

In any case, UCO researchers have high­lighted the speed of the EMI tech­nique, because in just 15 min­utes it is pos­si­ble to qual­ify any sam­ple. Also, EMI does not require sam­ple pre­treat­ment, which fur­ther accel­er­ates the process.


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