`International Lineup for New York Olive Oil Seminars - Olive Oil Times
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International Lineup for New York Olive Oil Seminars

By Nancy Flagg
Jan. 23, 2013 08:40 UTC

Author, actor and film­maker Carol Drinkwater will be one of the pre­sen­ters dur­ing two sem­i­nars, part of the New York International Olive Oil Competition in April.

Culinary pro­fes­sion­als, food indus­try exec­u­tives, aspir­ing chefs and jour­nal­ists will learn more about olive oil than they thought pos­si­ble dur­ing two sem­i­nars run­ning along­side the New York International Olive Oil Competition in April, orga­niz­ers say. Attendees will taste the finest olive oils, hear sto­ries about the route of the olive tree from an acclaimed actress and author, become a savvy olive oil con­sumer through a five-step pro­gram and learn secrets for ele­vat­ing kitchen cre­ations from renowned chefs.

The sem­i­nars will be held on Tuesday, April 16th and Thursday, April 18th at The International Culinary Theater in Soho. After the sem­i­nars, par­tic­i­pants will dine in The International Culinary Center’s restau­rant, l’Ecole, on a menu designed espe­cially for the event by chefs at the ven­er­a­ble school.

The April 16th ses­sion promises an An Olive Oil Awakening” with sem­i­nars on olive oil tast­ing, char­ac­ter­is­tics of qual­ity oil, buy­ing olive oil and its appli­ca­tion in kitchens around the world.

An advanced olive oil work­shop will be held on April 18th fea­tur­ing pre­sen­ta­tions on sen­sory assess­ment and olive oil qual­ity, the lat­est on global trade con­di­tions, tips on olive oil buy­ing and fresh ideas for mar­ket­ing and pro­mo­tion.

Speakers rep­re­sent­ing a cross-sec­tion of dis­ci­plines include actress and author Carol Drinkwater, Monocultivar Olive Oil Association Chairman Dr. Gino Celletti, author Nancy Harmon Jenkins, slow food olive oil expert Johnny Madge, Colavita USA CEO Giovanni Colavita, International Culinary Center chef and dean Cesare Casella, olive oil edu­ca­tors Alexandra Devarenne and Lina Smith, restau­ra­teur Sara Jenkins, California farm advi­sor Paul Vossen, pro­fes­sors Virginia Brown Keyder, Patricia O’Hara and Richard Blatchly and Fairway Market’s cheese­mon­ger and olive oil mer­chant Steven Jenkins.

On Wednesday, while an inter­na­tional panel of judges are sequestered to taste hun­dreds of olive oils entered in this year’s com­pe­ti­tion, sem­i­nar atten­dees can tour the city or attend an olive oil tast­ing and food pair­ing event at the Fairway Café.

Seminar reg­is­tra­tion opens January 24th at 5:00 PM on the New York International Olive Oil Competition web­site.

The New York International Olive Oil Competition, orga­nized by Olive Oil Times and spon­sored by Fairway Market and The International Culinary Center, antic­i­pates receiv­ing five hun­dred entries from olive oil pro­duc­ers around the globe. Judges from eight coun­tries will care­fully ana­lyze each to deter­mine the very best olive oils on earth.”

View the Event Program

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