`Olive Council Publishes Document Archive - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Council Publishes Document Archive

By Paolo DeAndreis
Nov. 9, 2022 13:07 UTC

The com­plete archive of every stan­dard, method and cor­re­spond­ing deci­sion adopted by the International Olive Council in the last four decades is now avail­able online.

The IOC announced that after years of ded­i­cated work, its stan­dard­iza­tion and research unit project has made all doc­u­ments acces­si­ble on its web­site.

The newly-pub­lished data­base is divided into sec­tions ded­i­cated to table olive and olive oil-related stan­dards and res­o­lu­tions.

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Through its newly-pub­li­cized archive of doc­u­men­ta­tion, it is pos­si­ble to see the con­sid­er­able pro­gres­sion made by the IOC and olive oil pro­duc­ers glob­ally in terms of improv­ing the prod­uct and under­stand­ing the most rel­e­vant char­ac­ter­is­tics of the olive oil extrac­tion process, stor­age and com­mer­cial­iza­tion.

The old­est doc­u­ment, writ­ten only in Spanish, dates back to 1985 and was the orig­i­nal reg­u­la­tion iden­ti­fy­ing the dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories of olive oil, which has since been updated.

Another doc­u­ment defines the use of IOC meth­ods for phe­no­lic com­pound deter­mi­na­tion.” It is one of the many IOC ini­tia­tives meant to study com­pounds that give olive oil its many health ben­e­fits and fla­vor pro­files.

Many doc­u­ments in the data­base are exam­ples of the advance­ments and devel­op­ments of the knowl­edge, under­stand­ing and rules gov­ern­ing the sec­tor over time and the sig­nif­i­cant role played by the IOC.

The coun­cil is the world’s only inter­gov­ern­men­tal orga­ni­za­tion focused on olive oil and table olives, which started as the International Olive Oil Council in Madrid in 1959. Over time, its func­tions and scope broad­ened, and in 2006 it became the mod­ern IOC.

The United Nations’ International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives 2015 for­mally gave the IOC the cru­cial role of deter­min­ing guide­lines and trade stan­dards and serv­ing as the world doc­u­men­ta­tion and infor­ma­tion cen­ter for the olive oil sec­tor.

Given this role, the IOC gath­ers, funds and spreads olive oil research among pro­duc­ing coun­tries, fos­ters respon­si­ble olive oil pro­duc­tion and pro­motes a sci­ence-based approach to olive grow­ing and oil mak­ing.

Today, the IOC com­prises 18 mem­bers on four con­ti­nents. In addi­tion, sev­eral part­ner coun­tries also fol­low its guide­lines and are for­mally apply­ing to join the inter­gov­ern­men­tal body.


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