`The Importance of a Good Cap - Olive Oil Times
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The Importance of a Good Cap

By Luciana Squadrilli
Jun. 16, 2012 15:35 UTC

A very bad habit – sadly enough quite wide­spread – is to serve fake” extra vir­gin olive oil in restau­rants and bars using old extra vir­gin bot­tles filled up with an infe­rior olive oil or even with a totally dif­fer­ent prod­uct such as seed oil.

According to the US Pharmacopeial Convention, a sci­en­tific non­profit orga­ni­za­tion that sets stan­dards for the iden­tity, strength, qual­ity, and purity of med­i­cines, food ingre­di­ents, and dietary sup­ple­ments, olive oil ranks first among the most com­monly adul­ter­ated ingre­di­ents, fol­lowed by milk, honey, saf­fron, orange juice, cof­fee and apple juice.

Moreover, the use of wrong pre­ce­dures in stor­ing open bot­tles can lead to oxi­da­tion and con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, which dete­ri­o­rates the oil. That is the rea­son why a good cap­ping sys­tem is a key ele­ment to guar­an­tee and pre­serve extra vir­gin olive oil qual­ity.

This was the main focus of the con­ven­tion In Tappo Veritas” (“in cap there is truth,” to para­phrase the old say­ing about wine) held in Rome, at Gambero Rosso Città del Gusto, on June 6th 2012.

The meet­ing was also the occa­sion to present the 30 best extra vir­gin olive oil pro­duc­ers fea­tured on the guide Oli d’Italia 2012 pub­lished by Gambero Rosso, edited by Stefano Polacchi.

More than 330 farms and 500 oils were reviewed by the guide, giv­ing a spe­cial men­tion to those prod­ucts com­ing in a dark glass bot­tle and with an anti-refill­ing cap like the ones pro­duced by Guala Closures , a leader in the pro­duc­tion of non-refill­able clo­sures and screw­caps, who spon­sored the event.

Among the speak­ers at the con­gress – that also lead to a pro­posal to make the anti-fill­ing cap required by law — were Emilio Gatto, General Director of Mipaaf – the Italian min­istry of agri­cul­tural, food and forestry poli­cies and respon­si­ble for the anti-fraud Office; Massimo Gargano, President of Unaprol, the largest organ­i­sa­tion of Italian olive oil pro­duc­ers; and Loriana Abbruzzetti, President of Uliveti del Lazio, the asso­ci­a­tion of Lazio extra vir­gin olive oil pro­duc­ers.

Abruzzetti announced that 9 olive oil pro­duc­ers from Lazio region joined the Unaprol cam­paign for pro­mot­ing the aware­ness of extra vir­gin qual­ity, stor­age and pre­sen­ta­tion among chefs, restau­ra­teurs and retail­ers.

The first step was to adopt the anti-fill­ing cap for their bot­tles. Next will be the offi­cial pre­sen­ta­tion of the cam­paign on June 18th in Rome. The event called Olila will pair the nine extra vir­gin olive oils to as many chefs who will pro­pose their recipes to high­light the fla­vors of the extra vir­gins.


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