`Is That Olive Oil in Your Cocktail? - Olive Oil Times
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Is That Olive Oil in Your Cocktail?

By Tracy Kaler
Jan. 15, 2015 20:57 UTC

Since the craft cock­tail move­ment has been shak­ing up a storm, you’re about to notice olive oil creep­ing into bar­rooms if you haven’t already. The kitchen sta­ple has been used for sautéing, fry­ing, driz­zling, bak­ing, dip­ping and more, so why not mixol­ogy?

EVOO can eas­ily blend with vodka and gin-based drinks to add a lus­cious, fruity twist. To take it even fur­ther, try mix­ing infused oils with spir­its and take a sim­ple bev­er­age to a new level.

Man can­not sur­vive on drinks alone, how­ever, and an olive oil cock­tail can com­pli­ment foods beau­ti­fully. Think basil and lemon paired with a white pizza, or rose­mary and salt to accom­pany a clas­sic recipe like Duck à l’Orange.

Marvel Bar’s Oliveto

Though you can eas­ily exper­i­ment at home with your olive oil con­coc­tions, restau­rants and drinkeries through­out the coun­try have caught on to the olive oil cock­tail craze.

Mediterranean favorite Fig & Olive in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, boasts its name­sake drink cre­ated by com­bin­ing cucum­ber infused vodka, blood orange olive oil, egg white, sim­ple syrup, cel­ery, lime juice, and blood orange puree. Sounds good enough to eat.

At Marvel Bar in Minneapolis, bar­tenders mix the savory Oliveto,” made from olive oil, raw egg white, lemon, Licor 43 and Gordon’s. Notice how both drinks con­tain egg whites, which act as an emul­si­fier with water and oil.

Other ingre­di­ents that mix well with EVOO are fruits, sugar, and fla­vored bit­ters.

Up to the task at home? You’ll need a lit­tle mus­cle to get the com­pleted drink to your glass – – a hearty shake is nec­es­sary to blend the cock­tail well and bring it to a foamy con­sis­tency. To fin­ish, pour the olive oil pota­tion into your bar­ware of choice and sip away.


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