`Marco Mugelli, Noted Olive Oil Expert, Has Died - Olive Oil Times
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Marco Mugelli, Noted Olive Oil Expert, Has Died

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Aug. 26, 2011 11:49 UTC

The inter­na­tion­ally rec­og­nized agri­cul­tural sci­en­tist, engi­neer and olive oil expert, Dr. Marco Mugelli, has died.

Dr. Mugelli was a founder of the National Association of Olive Oil Tasters (ANAPOO) in San Casciano, Italy and devel­oped inno­v­a­tive olive oil extrac­tion sys­tems designed to retain max­i­mum fla­vors and health ben­e­fits.
See Also:In Memory of Marco Mugelli, by Gianni Stefanini
Dr. Mugelli’s unique mills are built to oper­ate under vac­uum with a wide range of com­put­er­ized sen­sors and adjustable con­trols. The oils that are obtained by this process retain greater fra­grance, fla­vor and antiox­i­dant lev­els.

Olive oil pro­duc­ers who have worked with Dr. Mugelli include Carlos Falco (Marqués de Grinon), Gianni Stefanini of Apollo Olive Oil in California, and many oth­ers in Italy, Spain and through­out the world.

He was chief of the Florence Tasting Panel for the legal eval­u­a­tion of extra vir­gin olive oil, an inves­ti­ga­tor for the improve­ment of extra vir­gin olive oil for the Tuscan Chamber of Commerce and mem­ber of the Italian Association of Olive Oil Tasters.

Dr. Mugelli over­saw his fam­i­ly’s farm Torre Bianca in Chiesanuova, a small vil­lage 15 km from Florence.

Author Tom Mueller said Marco was a pio­neer in pro­cess­ing tech­nol­ogy for high­est qual­ity olive oil, a patient and per­cep­tive teacher, a gen­er­ous friend, and a fear­less critic of fraud in the oil indus­try. His pass­ing is a ter­ri­ble loss for the cause of great olive oil — and I hope his mem­ory will be a spur to every­one who con­tin­ues to fight the good fight.”


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