`Spanish Company Introduces Olive Oil Supplement for Pets - Olive Oil Times
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Spanish Company Introduces Olive Oil Supplement for Pets

By Julie Butler
Sep. 26, 2011 11:33 UTC

A new olive oil prod­uct designed specif­i­cally for pets is to be launched in October by a com­pany in Valencia, Spain.

Pets Solutions is seiz­ing on the fact that olive oil is good not only for human health, but that of ani­mals, too.

According to a report in Las Provincias, its new prod­uct, Felicitá, is an extra vir­gin olive oil-based nutri­tional sup­ple­ment that also con­tains vit­a­mins A and E, and omega 3 fatty acids. To be sold in cans, it is intended for con­sump­tion by dogs, cats and fer­rets.”

Pets Solutions direc­tor Paco Albert said that olive oil’s ben­e­fits for these ani­mals included the pre­ven­tion of car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease and can­cer, reduc­tion of prob­lems with shed­ding, strength­en­ing of claws, and improved diges­tion.

The project will be com­ple­mented by a new social net­work, Albert added.

According to the pet food web­site marvelousproducts.com, olive oil can be safely added to a dog’s diet and its unsat­u­rated fatty acids are good for skin and coat health and also as a treat­ment for con­sti­pa­tion.

The amount of oil added depends upon the size of your dog, with max­i­mum amounts equal­ing 1 tea­spoon to 1 table­spoon daily (Allegretti, 2003). The addi­tion of any oil will increase the num­ber of calo­ries your dog is eat­ing, and too much oil can cause diar­rhea in dogs.”


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