`New Sensory Analysis Course to Highlight Olive Oils from La Rioja - Olive Oil Times
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New Sensory Analysis Course to Highlight Olive Oils from La Rioja

By Charlie Higgins
Jan. 14, 2012 13:04 UTC

Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and the Environment has teamed up with the orga­ni­za­tion Ibercaja y Zeytum Servicios Oleotécnicos to cre­ate an olive oil edu­ca­tional pro­gram aimed at rais­ing aware­ness about the ben­e­fits of olive oil.

The first course, which will run from January to May at the Centro Cultural de Ibercaja, con­sists of five the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal ses­sions. Each ses­sion allows stu­dents to dis­cover the dif­fer­ent ben­e­fits, aro­mas and fla­vors of the main vari­eties of olive oil through a process of com­pre­hen­sive sen­sory analy­sis.

While the course is open to the gen­eral pub­lic, olive oil pro­duc­ers, chefs and oth­ers who work closely with the prod­uct are par­tic­u­larly encour­aged to sign up.

Session titles will include Introduction to Oilve Oil,” Defects and Benefits of Olive Oil,” and Major Oils of Spain.”

Particular empha­sis will be placed on olive oils from Spain’s La Rioja province where olive oil pro­duc­tion has grown sig­nif­i­cantly in recent years. La Rioja cur­rently pro­duces 500,000 liters annu­ally and is home to 45 inter­na­tion­ally rec­og­nized brands.

It’s a region known for its small-scale, arti­sanal pro­duc­tion,” Luis Javier Rodríguez Moroy, pres­i­dent of La Rioja Academy of Gastronomy told La Rioja.

The course will con­clude with a spe­cial tast­ing event and ben­e­fit Cocina Económica” to be held June 1. The orga­ni­za­tion Ibercaja Social Work will pro­vide a quart of oil for every euro raised, with all pro­ceeds being donated to char­ity.


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