`Spain's 2022 Olive Oil Sales only Slightly Lower than Expected - Olive Oil Times
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Spain's 2022 Olive Oil Sales only Slightly Lower than Expected

By Simon Roots
Feb. 5, 2023 22:27 UTC

Despite record har­vest losses, soar­ing costs, and record-break­ing price increases, Spain’s National Association of Industrial Packers and Refiners of Edible Oils (Anierac) reported steady olive oil sales for 2022. Its mem­bers sold 305.31 mil­lion liters in 2022 com­pared to 309.35 mil­lion liters in 2021, a drop of only 1.31 per­cent.

There was also a slight (0.86 per­cent) over­all increase in extra vir­gin olive oil sales in 2022. However, Anierac data reveals a shift in the domes­tic mar­ket away from EVOO to vir­gin olive oil in the last quar­ter.

See Also:Olive Oil Business News

From October through December 2022, sales of extra vir­gin olive oils reached 31 mil­lion liters. That is a 4.67 per­cent decrease com­pared to the pre­vi­ous year. On the other hand, 7.26 mil­lion liters of vir­gin olive oils were sold com­pared to 6.58 mil­lion liters in 2021, an increase of 10.30 per­cent.

Of the blended olive oils, sales of sauve (more non-vir­gin than vir­gin) blends stayed at roughly the same lev­els as in 2021. In con­trast, intenso (more vir­gin than non-vir­gin) blends fell markedly by 23.87 per­cent, the sin­gle largest decrease in all cat­e­gories.

Sales fig­ures for the sig­nif­i­cantly cheaper olive pomace oil totaled 18.30 mil­lion liters, rep­re­sent­ing an increase of 16.41 per­cent. This coin­cided with a 10.43 mil­lion liter, or 3.04 per­cent, drop in veg­etable, (pri­mar­ily sun­flower) oil sales, which were affected by sharp price increases and short­ages due to the war in Ukraine.

The resilience of the Spanish domes­tic olive oil mar­ket con­firms the views of indus­try experts, such as Juan Luis Ávila of COAG, who stated in December, A Spanish fam­ily con­sumes, on aver­age, 40 litres of olive oil per year. If we divide this per month and per fam­ily mem­ber, the [price] rise is a mat­ter of pen­nies. People will not give up the Mediterranean Diet to save €60 a year.”


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