`Tales of Two Olive Oil Producers - Olive Oil Times
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Tales of Two Olive Oil Producers

By Denise Johnson
Apr. 9, 2015 12:22 UTC

They were two col­lege friends just talk­ing about going into busi­ness. We were chat­ting together and thought we’d make a good team,” Rob McGavin recalls. Olives seemed to be some­thing we thought we could do well, but we prob­a­bly didn’t imag­ine we’d do this well.“

Boundary Bend is the com­pany McGavin and Paul Riordan started, and it has become the lead­ing Australian pro­ducer that is now tak­ing on the world.

Its flag­ship Cobram Estate brand has won more awards than any other at the New York International Olive Oil Competition, and the com­pany recently branched out from its South Australia base all the way to California where it has a new pro­duc­tion facil­ity and has con­tracted with local grow­ers to build its share of the world’s largest mar­ket.

Domenica Fiore is an olive oil brand named after its producer’s mother and crafted in the rolling hills of an Umbrian estate. That alone might not be so unusual, except for the fact that the pro­ducer, in this case, is the min­ing and media mogul Frank Giustra.

After form­ing, then sell­ing Lions Gate Entertainment, Giustra built a for­tune in min­ing. In 2007, he joined with for­mer U.S. President Bill Clinton to launch the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership to address global poverty.

In 2010, Giustra pur­chased an estate over­look­ing Orvieto where he pro­duces, with cer­ti­fied olive oil taster Cesare Bianchini, two of the best olive oils in the world: Domenica Fiore Olio Novello and Olio Reserva, which have achieved the high­est hon­ors at the New York International Olive Oil Competition.

Rob McGavin and Frank Giustra will be speak­ing at the NYIOOC Conference on April 15. The con­fer­ence is an annual meet­ing and net­work­ing event for high-qual­ity olive oil pro­duc­ers, mar­keters, mer­chants and buy­ers, as well as culi­nary pro­fes­sion­als and jour­nal­ists from around the world.

To hear what Giustra, McGavin and nine other notable pre­sen­ters have to say, reg­is­ter to attend the con­fer­ence or sub­scribe to the live stream.

Attendees will enjoy a lunch pre­pared by the International Culinary Center at the school’s acclaimed l’Ecole restau­rant fea­tur­ing a curated selec­tion of olive oils from every region.

At an exclu­sive olive oil tast­ing, event atten­dees will be the first to sam­ple some of the world’s best olive oils for 2015.

Capping the day at 5:45 PM, a press con­fer­ence will unveil the win­ners of the 2015 New York International Olive Oil Competition, fol­lowed by an awards recep­tion hon­or­ing win­ning pro­duc­ers.


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