`Todd English to Promote Chilean Olive Oil - Olive Oil Times
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Todd English to Promote Chilean Olive Oil

By Naomi Tupper
Jun. 20, 2012 10:48 UTC

The Chilean Association of Growers and Producers of Olives and Olive Oil, Chile Oliva, has formed a part­ner­ship with James Beard award win­ning chef Todd English in an effort to pro­mote Chilean oils around America.

The Boston-based celebrity chef, author and TV per­son­al­ity owns a host of restau­rants around the U.S., but is best known for his first restau­rant group, which coin­ci­dently car­ries the name Olives’. English is con­sid­ered one of most suc­cess­ful chefs in the States, receiv­ing James Beard awards– which are con­sid­ered by some as the Oscars of the food world — on four occa­sions. However, he has been forced to close a num­ber of his restau­rants in recent years and has been brought under scrutiny by the press for his play­boy antics.

The chef will pro­mote the qual­i­ties of Chilean oil at a num­ber of events, includ­ing media din­ners and the re-open­ing of his Olives restau­rants in Boston, New York and Miami. He will also be the face of ChileOliveOil.com and pro­duce con­tent for both the web­site and an asso­ci­ated Facebook page in a cam­paign pro­duced by the Vivaldi Partners Group.

The How Virgin is Your Extra Virgin?” cam­paign will see English cre­ate recipe videos and cook­ing tips using the olive oil from a coun­try he believes is pro­duc­ing some of the fresh­est fruit and food at the moment. The focus of the cam­paign will be to show how high-qual­ity Chilean extra vir­gin oils can be used to enhance fla­vor in a wide range of dishes.

Chef English stated that he only used the finest ingre­di­ents in his cook­ing and olive oil was used in many of his sig­na­ture dishes. President of Chile Oliva, Arturo Leiva said the orga­ni­za­tion was proud to part­ner with English and that his use of olive oil in his restau­rants and cook­books made him a great part­ner to high­light one of Chile’s qual­ity exports.

Chile pro­duces one of the high­est ratios of extra vir­gin olive oil in the world, with 90 per­cent of all olive oil pro­duced clas­si­fied as extra vir­gin. Olive oil is one of the country’s largest export mar­kets and one which con­tin­ues to grow as more peo­ple become aware of the many ben­e­fits of the prod­uct.

The James Beard Foundation named Chile Oliva as a house pur­veyor in April this year, giv­ing the oppor­tu­nity for Chilean oils to be fea­tured at asso­ci­ated food events around the United States.


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