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Trieste, Capital of Extra Virgin

By Luciana Squadrilli
Feb. 6, 2014 12:34 UTC

Olio Capitale, Italy’s only expo ded­i­cated to the pro­mo­tion of extra vir­gin olive oils, will present its 8th edi­tion in Trieste, the main city of the bor­der-region Friuli Venezia Giulia, from the 7th to the 10th of March.

Olio Capitale Program of Events

For the sec­ond year, the exhi­bi­tion will be hosted in the mag­nif­i­cent loca­tion of the Stazione Marittima, the city’s har­bour and ter­mi­nal that over­looks the sea. A cen­tral and clever loca­tion that con­firms the even­t’s rel­e­vance and offers the chance to enjoy the high qual­ity of show­cased extra vir­gin olive oils, as well as the stun­ning beauty of the city.

The Expo, orga­nized by the local Public Utility Company Aries on behalf of Trieste’s Chamber of Commerce, will con­firm its suc­cess­ful for­mula com­bin­ing B2B meet­ings between exhibitors and experts, busi­ness­men and buy­ers from Italy and abroad, beside pro­mo­tional activ­i­ties, tast­ings and sales aimed to con­sumers and extra vir­gin enthu­si­asts.

Extra vir­gin olive oil cul­ture will receive as usual a broad atten­tion, thanks to ded­i­cated meet­ings and work­shops, short tast­ing classes with experts, and an oil bar and cook­ing school that will sug­gest the best matches between oils and dishes. The Expo will also host an inter­na­tional com­pe­ti­tion ded­i­cated to the qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oils pro­duced in the Mediterranean area.

In 2013, Olio Capitale could count more than 10.000 vis­i­tors com­ing from 26 coun­tries and over 200 exhibitors from all every Italian region, fea­tur­ing many prod­ucts cer­ti­fied by qual­ity marks like PDO and PGI.

Trieste, Italy

The expo will ben­e­fit of the Patronage by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies and has many illus­tri­ous part­ner­ships such as with the Associazione Nazionale Città dell’Olio (the National Association of Oil Cities).

This year, the exhi­bi­tion’s rel­e­vance is even fur­ther strength­ened at an inter­na­tional level thanks to part­ner­ships that will help pro­mote Olio Capitale in new, dynamic mar­kets such as the Far East and South America. Among them is the col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Italian Olive Oil Day, an event com­pletely ded­i­cated to olive oil that will take place in Tokyo on the 17th of May 2014.

Brazil will appoint the first Olio Capitale Ambassadors that will spon­sor and patron­ize Italian extra vir­gin olive oil through the Italian restau­rants all around the world. Olive Oil Times will cover the event as the exclu­sive media part­ner.

More info and details can be obtained at the Olio Capitale web­site.


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