`World Olive Oil Competition Receives Record Number of Entries - Olive Oil Times
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World Olive Oil Competition Receives Record Number of Entries

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Mar. 16, 2021 11:56 UTC

The NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition announced today it had received 1,171 entries for the 2021 edi­tion, break­ing the pre­vi­ous record of 1,003 set in 2018.

We are see­ing an expres­sion of the remark­able resilience of olive oil pro­duc­ers.- Curtis Cord, NYIOOC pres­i­dent

The world’s largest and most pres­ti­gious olive oil qual­ity con­test will reveal the results in May on the Official Guide to the World’s Best Olive Oils.

Despite a year marked by chal­lenges stem­ming from a global pan­demic, cli­mate change and mar­ket head­winds, pro­duc­ers in every olive oil-pro­duc­ing region turned out in record num­bers to com­pete with their prod­ucts on the world stage.

We are see­ing an expres­sion of the remark­able resilience of olive oil pro­duc­ers around the world,” said Curtis Cord, the NYIOOC founder and pres­i­dent. Differentiation in the mar­ket­place remains para­mount, espe­cially now.”

Extra vir­gin olive oil brands from 28 coun­tries will be ana­lyzed by an inter­na­tional jury of 21 expert tasters across the globe fol­low­ing strict pro­to­cols designed by the NYIOOC.

They will record their obser­va­tions remotely via a secure plat­form devel­oped by the orga­ni­za­tion’s tech­ni­cal team to man­age and dis­sem­i­nate the exten­sive data col­lected dur­ing the judg­ing ses­sions.

The results of the inter­na­tional com­pe­ti­tion are closely fol­lowed by food indus­try pro­fes­sion­als, media and oth­ers con­cerned with the qual­ity of the olive oil they buy.

More than 40,000 view­ers wit­nessed last year’s real-time roll­out of the win­ners on bestoliveoils.org, where the offi­cial results are pre­sented, and mil­lions have learned about the awarded pro­duc­ers fea­tured on the por­tal.

See Also:NYIOOC Sample Vault cur­rent con­di­tions

A recently-launched retail loca­tor fea­ture of the index helps the pub­lic find award-win­ning EVOOs in nearby shops and through online ven­dors. A food pair­ing appli­ca­tion uses an algo­rithm to sug­gest award-win­ning oils to com­ple­ment pop­u­lar foods.

More than 600 arti­cles have been writ­ten on the 2020 award-win­ning pro­duc­ers in inter­na­tional media out­lets, includ­ing dis­patches by Olive Oil Times jour­nal­ists who closely cover the results of the annual con­test.

Earning a dis­tinc­tion at the NYIOOC opens doors for pro­duc­ers striv­ing to dif­fer­en­ti­ate their brands in the crowded mar­ket­place. Importers, dis­trib­u­tors and traders use the com­pe­ti­tion results as a short­list for their buy­ing deci­sions.


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