
World's Best Olive Oils for 2024 to Be Revealed

The World Olive Oil Competition will roll out the winning Northern Hemisphere brands on the Official Guide.
By OOT Staff
Mar. 13, 2024 17:57 UTC

The win­ners of the 2024 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition’s Northern Hemisphere divi­sion will begin to be revealed on March 19 at 9:00 AM (13:00 UTC) in New York. The online pre­sen­ta­tion will unveil each win­ning brand at the moment its result is cer­ti­fied by the NYIOOC.

In a year marked by chal­lenges stem­ming from cli­mate extremes, mar­ket head­winds and a global olive oil short­fall, pro­duc­ers in every region turned out to com­pete in the world’s largest and most pres­ti­gious olive oil qual­ity con­test.

The results of the NYIOOC are closely fol­lowed by food indus­try pro­fes­sion­als, media and con­sumers world­wide.

More than 58,000 view­ers wit­nessed last year’s real-time roll­out of the win­ners on bestoliveoils.org, where the offi­cial results are pre­sented. Each year, mil­lions of vis­i­tors to the por­tal learn about the awarded pro­duc­ers.

More than 440 arti­cles have been writ­ten on the 2023 award-win­ning pro­duc­ers in inter­na­tional media out­lets, includ­ing dis­patches by Olive Oil Times jour­nal­ists who closely cover the results of the annual con­test and fea­ture award-win­ning pro­duc­ers through­out the year.

This year, the NYIOOC unveiled the World Olive Oil Rankings por­tal of his­tor­i­cal data and stand­ings span­ning the twelve edi­tions of the con­test.

Earning a dis­tinc­tion at the NYIOOC opens doors for pro­duc­ers striv­ing to dif­fer­en­ti­ate their brands in the crowded mar­ket­place. Importers, dis­trib­u­tors and traders use the com­pe­ti­tion results as a short­list for their buy­ing deci­sions.


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