`Young Artist Pounds Olives to Paint Pictures - Olive Oil Times
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Young Artist Pounds Olives to Paint Pictures

By Aldo Pesce
Jan. 8, 2015 11:36 UTC

Olives are used as a paint­brush by Areej Lawen, a young Palestinian artist from Nazareth, to paint her art works over a piece of cloth.

Last month, Areej opened her exhi­bi­tion at Hotel Oasis in Jericho, in the West Bank. There a video showed images of her paint­ing tech­nique con­sist­ing of press­ing olives with a small wooden ham­mer.

During the open­ing cer­e­mony of her exhi­bi­tion, the young artist said she decided to paint using olives as a sym­bol of the iden­tity, of the belong­ings and the stead­fast­ness” of Palestinian peo­ple.

Areej Lawen

The idea came when she decided to use olives to paint an olive tree, but then she thought to press olives to paint new sub­jects, often per­son­al­i­ties of Palestine with a link to the olive tree, like Yasser Arafat who, dur­ing a UN General Assembly said: I have come bear­ing an olive branch and a free­dom fight­er’s gun,” or Tawfik Ziad and Mahmud Darwish, Palestinian poets whose words were quoted by Areej dur­ing the open­ing con­fer­ence.

Areej said her aim is to express her artis­tic ideas using the olive as a tool and as a sym­bol of peace — to cre­ate art works that send a mes­sage from a land that has rarely known peace.


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