`Yirca Villagers Rejoice, Replant - Olive Oil Times

Yirca Villagers Rejoice, Replant

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Nov. 9, 2014 10:51 UTC
Through felled olive trees, a farmer in Yirca (Soma) Turkey removes a barbed-wire fence from his land after plans for a new power plant were put on hold. (Photo: Greenpeace Turkey)

In the end about 6,000 trees were uprooted Friday (November 7, 2014) in Yırca, Turkey by Kolin Construction bull­doz­ers to make way for a new power plant.

Clashes again erupted between vil­lagers and the pri­vate secu­rity forces hired by Kolin to ensure the demo­li­tion went for­ward.
See Also:Farmers and Police Clash in Turkey Over Clearing of Trees
This is a defeat for us but we will not leave our land,” said Yirca mayor Mustafa Akın in an inter­view with CNN Türk.

How are they going to swal­low the last olives and olive oil our peo­ple and our trees pro­duced for them?” he asked.

But sud­denly, the same day, the des­per­a­tion turned to cel­e­bra­tion when the vil­lagers learned of a deci­sion by the Council of State to sus­pend the ther­mal power plant project.

Friday night there was cel­e­bra­tion in Yırca, within walk­ing dis­tance of some 6,000 trees lay­ing on the ground in piles. Villagers said it was the most impor­tant, the sad­dest and the hap­pi­est day of their lives.

Behind their defi­ant mayor and with help from Greenpeace activists and vol­un­teers, Yirca vil­lagers stood against the fur­ther destruc­tion of their liveli­hood, and they are already start­ing to rebuild, plant­ing this week­end small trees in the ground they defended.

(Photo: Greenpeace Turkey)


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