`Anna Cane Re-Elected as President of Assitol’s Olive Oil Group - Olive Oil Times
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Anna Cane Re-Elected as President of Assitol’s Olive Oil Group

By Ylenia Granitto
May. 24, 2022 15:22 UTC

Anna Cane was re-elected as pres­i­dent of the olive oil group of the Italian Association of the Edible Oil Industry (Assitol) after a unan­i­mous vote by the organization’s assem­bly of sec­tor entre­pre­neurs.

Now in her third term, she is being assisted by three vice-pres­i­dents appointed dur­ing the same vot­ing ses­sion: Dora De Santis, qual­ity man­ager at Agridè; Giorgio Belfiore, Italy sales direc­tor at ASA oils and sauces of Flli De Cecco; and Andrea Colavita, raw mate­r­ial pur­chas­ing man­ager and inter­na­tional sales direc­tor of Colavita.

Having held sev­eral man­age­ment posi­tions in the olive oil indus­try, Cane is cur­rently cor­po­rate qual­ity coor­di­na­tor and Italy direc­tor of Deoleo, which owns the Bertolli, Carapelli Firenze and Carbonell brands.

The olive oil indus­try is almost totally built on pos­i­tive ele­ments: just think about its role in the econ­omy of coun­tries and the extra­or­di­nary health prop­er­ties of extra vir­gin olive oil.- Anna Cane, pres­i­dent, Assitol olive oil group

Our focus remains the same,” Cane told Olive Oil Times. We intend to con­tinue our pro­gram of enhanc­ing the oil prod­uct, in the per­spec­tive of food and nutri­tion, high­light­ing the work of the com­pa­nies and pro­mot­ing their know-how.”

Emphasizing the com­mit­ment of Assitol to research, the pres­i­dent claimed that this is essen­tial to guar­an­tee con­sumers the authen­tic­ity and gen­uine­ness of extra vir­gin olive oil, with­out for­get­ting the envi­ron­men­tal, eco­nomic and social sus­tain­abil­ity, as well as the dia­logue with insti­tu­tions and the sup­ply chain, in a col­lab­o­ra­tive per­spec­tive.”


Anna Cane

We reit­er­ate the cen­tral­ity of sen­sory analy­sis,” she added. However, this method must be strength­ened, and volatile com­pounds rep­re­sent the ideal tool.”

Cane said the olive oil group spent years exper­i­ment­ing with a new ana­lyt­i­cal sys­tem to deter­mine volatile com­pounds in extra vir­gin olive oils.

Assitol cre­ated an ad hoc task force, made up of dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies,” she said. It eval­u­ated the appli­ca­tion of this dos­ing sys­tem on sam­ples of dif­fer­ent cul­ti­vars and cam­paigns [crop years], also exchang­ing views with the researchers of the Oleum project.”

Our sur­vey shows that this is the most appro­pri­ate sys­tem to com­ple­ment sen­sory analy­sis for the clas­si­fi­ca­tion of olive oils,” she added. Therefore, we think that it is nec­es­sary to val­i­date as soon as pos­si­ble a method at an insti­tu­tional and inter­na­tional level.”

Communication is another pri­or­ity of the group that has been com­mit­ted to rais­ing aware­ness among con­sumers for some years.

One of the lat­est ini­tia­tives, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the National Consumers Union, is the guideA trea­sure to pre­serve,’ which edu­cates con­sumers about how to choose and store the best extra vir­gin olive oils and what sets the extra vir­gin olive oil apart from the other grades of olive oil.

Assitol empha­sized that a bet­ter knowl­edge of the prod­uct helps to reduce waste­ful­ness and save money.

Well-informed con­sumers make bet­ter choices in terms of qual­ity,” Cane said. Yet, too often, they find them­selves in front of a click-bait nar­ra­tive that mag­ni­fies scan­dals and is only capa­ble of pil­lo­ry­ing, while not inves­ti­gat­ing nor inform­ing seri­ously.”

Nevertheless, the olive oil indus­try is almost totally built on pos­i­tive ele­ments: just think about its role in the econ­omy of coun­tries and the extra­or­di­nary health prop­er­ties of extra vir­gin olive oil,” she added.

We intend to strengthen our dis­sem­i­na­tion activ­ity, car­ry­ing out an oper­a­tion of truth, which pro­motes this world full of sto­ries of com­mit­ment and excel­lence,” Cane con­cluded.


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