`Anna Cane Re-elected President of Assitol's Olive Oil Group - Olive Oil Times
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Anna Cane Re-elected President of Assitol's Olive Oil Group

By Ylenia Granitto
Jun. 11, 2020 14:17 UTC

Anna Cane was reap­pointed to the pres­i­dency of the Olive Oil Group of the Italian Association of Oil Industry (Assitol) after a unan­i­mous vote by the assem­bly of entre­pre­neurs.

With the goal to enhance the use and knowl­edge of olive oil, we will con­tinue to pro­mote this prod­uct through edu­ca­tion in tast­ing and healthy eat­ing.- Anna Cane, Assitol Olive Oil Group

Riccardo Cassetta, man­ag­ing direc­tor of the olive oil com­pany Biolevante in Andria, was recon­firmed as vice-pres­i­dent, along with the newly appointed vice-pres­i­dents Dora Desantis, head of qual­ity con­trol at the olive oil com­pany Agridè in Bitonto, and Mario Rocchi, owner of the RM olive oil mill located in Lucca.

For the next two years, my task is to be as dia­logu­ing and inclu­sive as pos­si­ble with all the play­ers in the sup­ply chain and insti­tu­tions,” the freshly re-elected pres­i­dent, who is Corporate Scientific and Public Affairs Director at Deoleo, told Olive Oil Times.


Anna Cane

With the goal to enhance the use and knowl­edge of olive oil, we will con­tinue to pro­mote this prod­uct through edu­ca­tion in tast­ing and healthy eat­ing.”

The Olive Oil Group con­firmed its sup­port to the research sec­tor through col­lab­o­ra­tions on sev­eral projects, includ­ing Oleum, within the Horizon 2020 pro­gram. We will con­tinue to inves­ti­gate in analy­sis sys­tems on volatile com­pounds,” Cane remarked. Sensory analy­sis remains fun­da­men­tal, but it is nec­es­sary to make it even stronger by adding new ana­lyt­i­cal tools.”

Among the next objec­tives is also to take action against the low-cost sell­ing of extra vir­gin olive oil, which deval­ues the prod­uct, debas­ing the entire sup­ply chain.

This as well other ini­tia­tives will be also brought to the atten­tion of the Italian olive oil inter­pro­fes­sional orga­ni­za­tion, FOI,” the pres­i­dent stressed.

In the short term, how­ever, the focus of the Olive Oil Group is on the impact of the Covid-19 pan­demic. During the lock­down, the Italian mar­ket saw a growth of olive oil sales by almost 10 per­cent, and Assitol data for 2019 show an increase in exports (3.2 per­cent), par­tic­u­larly to the U.K. (+14.3 per­cent), Germany (+18 per­cent), and the U.S. (+1.2 per­cent), but the con­se­quences, with the clos­ing of restau­rants and the slow demand recov­ery, will be seen only in the sec­ond half of 2020.

The coro­n­avirus cri­sis has clearly shown us that you can­not win alone, and divi­sion leads nowhere,” Cane added. We will take the path of shar­ing and dia­logue with all the actors of the pro­duc­tion chain, in order to address together the issues of the sec­tor.”


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