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Ryan Seacrest Wants to Make Organic Olive Oil

The American television star is growing his own olive trees and plans to make olive oil. One expert suggests Seacrest seek guidance from professionals and do some research.
Ryan Seacrest
By Imari Scarbrough
Mar. 9, 2021 10:50 UTC

Emmy-award-win­ning day­time tele­vi­sion talk show host Ryan Seacrest has plans to make his own organic olive oil.

In a video pub­lished by the Associated Press in January, Seacrest said he had been learn­ing how to make it.

I’ll tell you my new hobby is I’m grow­ing olive trees and I’m going to make olive oil,” Seacrest said on his show, On Air With Ryan Seacrest, which did not respond to a request for com­ment by the time of pub­li­ca­tion.

See Also:Olive Oil Times Launches Distance Education Portal

I’m study­ing how to make organic olive oil… and it’s been a fas­ci­na­tion of mine,” Seacrest added. I find that there are so many dif­fer­ent health ben­e­fits to olive oil and I became obsessed with the trees. I’ve been read­ing books on how to farm the olives.”

Pablo Voitzuk, an olive oil con­sul­tant and edu­ca­tor, rec­om­mends that Seacrest learn from experts and take classes.

For olive oil itself, tast­ing is very impor­tant to under­stand qual­ity; oth­er­wise, you are at the expense of oth­er’s opin­ions and takes, which are often sub­jec­tive or dated,” Voitzuk sug­gested, adding that Seacrest should take sen­sory eval­u­a­tion classes.

Then, if he is really seri­ous about learn­ing, he should con­tact a con­sul­tant to dis­cuss milling, visit good pro­duc­ers, etc.,” Voitzuk said.

The award-win­ning miller also sug­gested that Seacrest con­sults with an agron­o­mist to care for his trees and read as widely on the sub­ject as pos­si­ble.


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