`Trade Group Donates 190k Liters of Pomace Oil to Hospitality Sector in Spain - Olive Oil Times

Trade Group Donates 190k Liters of Pomace Oil to Hospitality Sector in Spain

By Costas Vasilopoulos
Jul. 6, 2020 16:28 UTC

The Spanish Interprofessional of Olive Pomace Oil (Oriva) has pledged 190,000 liters of pomace oil to the country’s Horeca sec­tor (hotels, restau­rants and cater­ing) as a ges­ture of sup­port in their efforts to resume post-lock­down oper­a­tions.

The ini­tia­tive is the result of the col­lab­o­ra­tion of 22 com­pa­nies from the sec­tor, includ­ing extrac­tors, refin­ers, pack­ers and dis­trib­u­tors. The pomace oil dis­trib­uted by Oriva will reach more than 12,500 restau­rants and hotels.

See Also:Covid-19 Updates

As in most European coun­tries, hotels and eater­ies in Spain started to grad­u­ally reopen in mid-May and are now oper­at­ing with all the nec­es­sary pre­cau­tions.

Spain’s Horeca sec­tor is the largest buyer of olive pomace oil, account­ing for about 70 per­cent of all bot­tled olive oil sales in the coun­try.

The olive sec­tor joins the wave of sol­i­dar­ity with one of the sec­tors hard­est hit by the cri­sis caused by Covid-19,” José Luis Maestro Sánchez-Cano, pres­i­dent of Oriva, said.

We can­not remain obliv­i­ous to the dif­fi­cul­ties of one of the sec­tors that is clos­est to us, such as Horeca,” he added.

Extraordinary sit­u­a­tions require extra­or­di­nary mea­sures and that is why we have made this great effort to mobi­lize the max­i­mum vol­ume of prod­uct pos­si­ble, up to 190,000 liters.”

Olive pomace oil is obtained by pro­cess­ing the semi-solid remains of the first extrac­tion. The oil is then refined and blended with small quan­ti­ties of extra vir­gin or vir­gin olive oil. It is largely used for fry­ing due to its sta­bil­ity and neu­tral fla­vor.

Regardless of the ges­ture, the olive pomace oil handed out to the Horeca estab­lish­ments and facil­i­ties is no panacea for their recov­ery, but mainly an expres­sion of sol­i­dar­ity, Sánchez-Cano said.

The goal is to be closer to one of our main part­ners,” he said. If there is any­thing that can be learned from this cri­sis, it is that we need col­lec­tive responses and col­lab­o­ra­tive chan­nels.”


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