`Israel Requests Documents About Its Exclusion from Olive Council Meeting - Olive Oil Times
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Israel Requests Documents About Its Exclusion from Olive Council Meeting

By Daniel Dawson
Sep. 17, 2019 00:04 UTC

The Israeli embassy in Madrid has requested six doc­u­ments from the International Olive Council per­tain­ing to Israel’s exclu­sion from the IOC’s Council of Members meet­ing in June.

In a memo sent to the IOC last month, which was reviewed by Olive Oil Times, the Israeli embassy reit­er­ated it would not rec­og­nize any of the deci­sions made dur­ing the ses­sion.

Israel does not rec­og­nize any of the deci­sions taken dur­ing this ses­sion as legit­i­mate and reserves its right to present a for­mal claim to the United Nations on this mat­ter.- Israeli embassy in Madrid

IOC Executive Director Abdellatif Ghedira, Deputy Director Jaime Lillo and Mustafa Sepetçi, the direc­tor of the IOC’s tech­ni­cal, eco­nomic and pro­mo­tional units, all received new man­dates run­ning through 2023 at the meet­ing.

Israel does not rec­og­nize any of the deci­sions taken dur­ing this ses­sion as legit­i­mate and reserves its right to present a for­mal claim to the United Nations on this mat­ter,” the Israeli embassy wrote in the memo.

See Also:Documents Detail Exclusion of Israeli Representative at Olive Council Meeting

Among the doc­u­ments Israeli offi­cials in Madrid are request­ing are the min­utes from the June 21 meet­ing of the Council of Members; a list of par­tic­i­pants from the meet­ing together with each one of their cre­den­tials; and numer­ous other doc­u­ments from the cre­den­tial com­mit­tee, which sits at the crux of the dis­pute.

Israeli offi­cials claim that the com­mit­tee, which decides whether mem­bers and observers have sub­mit­ted the cor­rect paper­work in time to attend the meet­ings, inten­tion­ally pre­vented Israel from join­ing in spite of hav­ing sub­mit­ted the cor­rect cre­den­tials.

The IOC main­tains that Israel did not sub­mit the proper doc­u­ments in time to offi­cially accredit its proxy (Israel’s usual rep­re­sen­ta­tive was unable to attend the meet­ing) to attend.

A let­ter from Dr. Adi Naali inform­ing of the appoint­ment for the 109th meet­ing of Mr. Ignazio Castellucci, from a per­sonal email to the email of the IOC was received by the exec­u­tive sec­re­tariat,” the cre­den­tial com­mit­tee wrote in its report of the 109th ses­sion. This com­mu­ni­ca­tion was not signed by a com­pe­tent accred­i­ta­tion author­ity of Israel.”

Along with the cre­den­tial committee’s report from 2019, Israeli offi­cials have also requested every report made by the com­mit­tee over the pre­vi­ous eight years, the list of rules and pro­ce­dures from the com­mit­tee and the cre­den­tials sub­mit­ted by every IOC mem­ber for the last five years.

The request was sent from the Israeli embassy in Madrid to the IOC on August 6 and it is unclear whether the IOC has already com­plied. The IOC did not respond to mul­ti­ple requests for com­ment, but pre­vi­ously said they would inves­ti­gate why Israel’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive was unable to attend the meet­ing.

The exec­u­tive sec­re­tariat regrets this set­back, which pre­vented Israel from par­tic­i­pat­ing in the 109th ses­sion,” a spokesper­son told Olive Oil Times in July. The exec­u­tive sec­re­tariat is cur­rently ana­lyz­ing the infor­ma­tion pro­vided by Dr. Naali and will make a detailed report to the Council of Members and then pub­lish a for­mal response.”


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