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Morocco, Argentina Seek to Increase Olive Production

By Chris Lindahl
Sep. 8, 2014 12:50 UTC
Morocco, already the world’s sec­ond-largest olive exporter, says it hopes to dou­ble its pro­duc­tion by 2020.

Spain, Italy and Greece are the three big names you might think of when it comes to olive oil. But Argentina? If ambi­tions of the gov­ern­ments of Morocco and Argentina are real­ized, the big names in Liquid Gold” just might have some fresh faces.

Morocco, which is already the sec­ond-largest exporter of table olives after Greece, hopes to dou­ble its total pro­duc­tion in 2020 to 2.5 mil­lion met­ric tons, accord­ing to La Semana Vitivinícola. That rep­re­sents a dou­bling of the cur­rent fig­ure, which accounts for 5 per­cent of the North African country’s agri­cul­tural GDP.

Located south of Spain across the Strait of Gibraltar, about 45 per­cent of Morocco’s work­ing pop­u­la­tion is employed in agri­cul­ture.

Across the Atlantic in Argentina, a group of leg­is­la­tors from the Cuyo province intro­duced a bill in con­gress to pro­mote the mod­ern­iza­tion of the country’s olive indus­try. The bill would cre­ate a fund to encour­age a revi­tal­iza­tion of an indus­try that was hit hard by frost in the last three years. Within the province, 37 per­cent of the total acreage of olive trees was destroyed, accord­ing to reports.

Politicians say they hope the new ini­tia­tive would cre­ate jobs in rural areas and spur growth in an indus­try cur­rently under­served by tax incen­tives

Over the last decade, olive oil pro­duc­tion in the coun­try has more than dou­bled while table olive pro­duc­tion has increased nearly 90 per­cent.


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