`Moroccan EVOO Gets Boost from UN - Olive Oil Times
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Moroccan EVOO Gets Boost from UN

By Daniel Williams
Jul. 22, 2010 10:24 UTC

UNIDO, The United Nations Industrial Development Organization, has played a key role the recent surge in Moroccan olive oil out­put, help­ing the coun­try emerge as a key player on the global olive oil scene and draw­ing increased inter­na­tional invest­ment. UNIDO’s pro­claimed mis­sion state­ment is to, pro­mote and accel­er­ate sus­tain­able indus­trial devel­op­ment in economies in tran­si­tion.”

UNIDO has worked with small scale Moroccan pro­duc­ers to improve exist­ing modes of pro­duc­tion, improve orga­ni­za­tion and hygiene, and mar­ket local prod­ucts pro­fes­sion­ally in order to increase the added value of Moroccan olive oil.

The coun­try expe­ri­enced a strong olive har­vest in 2009 with the help of UNIDO inter­ven­tion. This increased the qual­ity and there­fore price of the olive oil in pro­duc­tion and the United Nations agency is now actively build­ing on last year’s suc­cess. The 2010 cam­paign has seen UNIDO upgrade and repair out­dated machin­ery and facil­i­ties and the agency has also offered logis­ti­cal advice to Moroccan pro­duc­ers with respect to dis­tri­b­u­tion and issues sur­round­ing inter­na­tional expan­sion.

With the exper­tise and tech­ni­cal sup­port of UNIDO, Moroccan aver­age annual olive oil out­put of 95,000 tons is draw­ing inter­est from investors world­wide. Predictions for 2010 are even more opti­mistic. With the sup­port of UNIDO, the Moroccan Company GIE Terroir de Maroc Oriental was recently awarded first prize by the country’s Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and this unique extra vir­gin olive oil is likely to enter inter­na­tional com­pe­ti­tions in the near future.

Over 90% of Moroccan olive oil is extracted from the Picholine olive, rec­og­nized world­wide for its mild, yet full, fruity fla­vor and hint of bit­ter­ness.” Following other inter­na­tional mar­ket­ing efforts from coun­tries like Spain and Argentina, this year with the coop­er­a­tion of the min­istry of Agriculture and the patron­age of His Majesty Mohammed VI, the Moroccan gov­ern­ment show­cased the unique fla­vor of Maghrebi olive oil to an inter­na­tional audi­ence in the nation’s biggest agri­cul­tural event known as the Salon International de l’Agriculture au Maroc.

Morocco is cur­rently the world’s 6th largest pro­ducer of olive oil behind Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Syria, and Turkey but with the con­tin­ued help from UNIDO and increased invest­ments from inter­na­tional courters in Italy and Spain, Morocco is ready to expand its trade net­works and is well-posi­tioned to meet a global demand for olive oil that grows steadily each year.


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