`India Set to Market its Own Olive Oil - Olive Oil Times
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India Set to Market its Own Olive Oil

By Wendy Logan
Jul. 9, 2015 11:22 UTC

A land­mark col­lab­o­ra­tion between India and Israel is com­ing to fruition as Rajasthan pre­pares for its first-ever, large-scale olive oil extrac­tion next month. The first drops of the Indian-grown fruit’s elixir are expected to lead to an antic­i­pated yield of 8,000 to 10,000 litres of Raj Olive Oil” set to hit the open mar­ket by year’s end.

The pilot project was launched in 2007 when a del­e­ga­tion of farm­ers and agron­o­mists from India vis­ited Israel to deter­mine the eco­nomic and agri­cul­tural fea­si­bil­ity of olive tree cul­ti­va­tion in their home­land. The Rajasthan Olive Cultivation Limited (ROCL) was incor­po­rated soon there­after. The pub­lic-pri­vate part­ner­ship between the gov­ern­ment of Rajasthan’s agri­cul­tural board, India-based Finolex Plasson Industries, and Pune and Indolive Industries of Israel then began in earnest through the import­ing of seven vari­eties of olive trees from Israel to the north­east­ern Indian state.

Olive groves in Rajasthan

Following the very first of the trees’ fruit har­vest last sea­son, the olive oil pro­duced was auc­tioned to a pri­vate com­pany. With all sys­tems now on solid ground, the group is ready for its first go at a pub­lic offer­ing and ROCL esti­mates that the olive oils (both vir­gin and extra vir­gin) will be avail­able at approx­i­mately one-third of the cost of the imported oils cur­rently on the mar­ket.


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