`Italian Extra Virgin Takes Aim at Taiwan - Olive Oil Times
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Italian Extra Virgin Takes Aim at Taiwan

By Luciana Squadrilli
Jun. 9, 2014 12:12 UTC

In order to broaden the trade oppor­tu­ni­ties for Italian extra vir­gin olive oil in the Far East and to move past last fal­l’s head­lines of adul­ter­ated Italian olive oil — from China block­ing imports to the New York Times info­graphic – this Wednesday the local office of ICE (Italian Institute for Foreign Trade) and Unaprol, the main Italian grow­ers’ union, are pro­mot­ing a sem­i­nar in Taipei about real” Italian extra vir­gin..

The Hotel Humble House in Taipei will host the sem­i­nar about the world trade of olive oil and Italian pro­duc­tion fol­lowed by a sem­i­nar about sen­sory analy­sis. The Taiwanese press will be invited to inter­view the speak­ers in order to spread infor­ma­tion in a mar­ket­place of over 23 mil­lions con­sumers with a per capita income of about USD 21,000 and an over­all GNP of about USD 500 bil­lion.

Chiara Petrò, trade com­mis­sioner at the ICE office in Taiwan says the event aims to make con­sumers, restau­ra­teurs, jour­nal­ists and opin­ion lead­ers aware of high qual­ity, fully trace­able extra vir­gin olive oil made in Italy.

Last December Italian olive oil imports were black­listed in Taiwan, when some ship­ments were found to con­tain E141ii (Chlorophyllin cop­per com­plexes), a col­orant agent.

The East Asia island is a pre­cious end mar­ket and trade part­ner for Italy, in part thanks to pre­vi­ous meet­ings of the Cross-Strait Economic, Trade and Monetary Forum that helped broaden the invest­ments and part­ner­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties between the two coun­tries. Italian invest­ments in the island amount to USD 105 mil­lion, mainly con­cen­trated in the chem­i­cal and the mechan­i­cal fields.

We must play the Made in Italy” trump card,” Unaprol pres­i­dent Massimo Gargano stressed. Beside this event, our aim is to explain the dif­fer­ence between the sev­eral cat­e­gories of olive oils, to help the con­sumers choos­ing the best one and to let them under­stand that there are sev­eral prod­ucts, each of them with its pecu­liar­i­ties; extra vir­gin olive oil is mainly good for health.”


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