Asia / page 6

Apr. 30, 2018

Is India Poised for an Edible Oils Revolution?

Globalization and digital connectivity have seen a shift in the mindset of urban India, promoting healthy eating and a balanced diet.

Apr. 9, 2018

Olive Oil Products Fraud Uncovered in China

Growing demand has also spurred illegal operations stretching from Beijing to Guangzhou, churning out mislabeled, inferior and counterfeit olive oil.

Apr. 3, 2018

India Increases Duties on Olive Oil Again

The Indian government continues its trend of raising import duty rates on olive oil.

Jul. 10, 2017

Australian Company Develops Invisible Technology to Combat Food Fraud

As major markets like China increase their demand for imported luxury foods such as olive oil, an Australian company, YPB Group, has developed an invisible tracking technology they believe will become an industry standard.

Jul. 10, 2017

Wildfire Destroys Grove in Turkey

In an ironic twist of fate, Turkey's olive trees had just been saved from proposed changes to the country's “olive law” when they went up in flames.

Jun. 15, 2017

Turkey Removes Controversial Article in 'Olive Law'

While the decision was welcomed, olive oil industry leaders fear the issue will crop up again.

Jun. 9, 2017

Japan Extends Joint Research with Tunisia

A Japan-Tunisia collaboration will continue until 2021 with a focus on the development of food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

Jun. 9, 2017

Turkey's Prime Minister Fuels 'Olive Law' Debate

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim appeared to support the proposed changes to the law that protects small groves in comments he made at a meeting on June 3rd.

Jun. 6, 2017

Turkish Government Backtracks Proposed Changes to 'Olive Law'

The draft proposal which the government claimed was to support the development of industry and production was highly criticized by the olive oil industry and opposition parties and as it threatened the country’s olive oil production.

May. 30, 2017

Researchers Develop High-Oleic Safflower Strain

Researchers from Hyderabad's Indian Council of Agriculture Research and Institute of Oilseeds Research have cultivated three non-genetically modified varieties of safflowers with an oleic content comparable to olive oil.


May. 30, 2017

Turkey's Olive Trees Threatened by Draft Law

If the new law gets the green light, any olive grove housing less than 15 trees per decare (2.5 acres) will not be classed as an olive grove and be put at risk for redevelopment.

May. 22, 2017

Turkey Holds First 'Mario Solinas' National Olive Oil Competition

A new competition in Turkey aims to raise the bar for local producers and improve collaboration within the olive sector.

May. 15, 2017

The Man Behind China's Unlikely Gold at NYIOOC

An agronomic engineer from Argentina convinces a Chinese company to improve product quality and strikes gold at the world's most prestigious olive oil competition.

Mar. 28, 2017

Asians Much More Interested in Eating Healthy Than Westerners

The East and West are worlds apart when it comes to healthy eating, an online survey found.

Mar. 6, 2017

'Olive Beef' Looks Set to Land on American Plates

Sanuki Wagyu Beef has been recognised as healthier than regular Wagyu Beef. The olive-fed cows produce meat which is higher in oleic acid, monounsaturated fats and omega-3s.

Feb. 8, 2017

Olive Tea Manufacturing Plant to Open in India

Rajasthan’s new olive leaf tea plant is a collaboration between the Rajasthan Government and a private company.

Nov. 1, 2016

India Set to Launch its Own Olive Oil Brand

The Indian state of Rajasthan is set to launch its own brand of olive oil under the name “Raj Olive Oil,” the first Indian olive oil produced within the country.

Sep. 28, 2016

India's Olive Oil Imports Expected to Rise 20 Percent

India's imports of olive oil are expected to rise by 20 percent to 13,500 tons according to the Indian Olive Association. Most of it will come from Spain.
