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Guide Boosts Online Sales of Award-Winning Brands

Finding online retailers who sell the best extra virgin olive oils just got a lot easier.
By Olive Oil Times Staff
Jul. 15, 2020 11:55 UTC

The word’s most pres­ti­gious guide to high-qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oils now fea­tures direct links to online retail­ers who sell NYIOOC award-win­ning brands.

The Official Guide to the World’s Best Olive Oils, where mil­lions of peo­ple each year explore top-rated EVOOs, devel­oped the new fea­ture to make it easy to find e‑retailers who sell the sought-after brands.

Curtis Cord, pres­i­dent of the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition, said the fea­ture was an impor­tant step toward get­ting high-qual­ity olive oils into the kitchens where they deserve to be.”

Now, after learn­ing all about an award-win­ning brand and its pro­ducer, vis­i­tors can click to e‑commerce shops to buy it online, or find a phys­i­cal store nearby,” Cord added.

Hundreds of online retail­ers are reg­is­tered on the Index. Award-win­ning pro­duc­ers can add links via the NYIOOC brand-man­age­ment por­tal Producer Tools and retail­ers who stock one or more of this year’s award-win­ning brands can man­age their links via the NYIOOC Retail Tools web app.

Many of the 2020 award win­ners are also offered on the Best Olive Oils Marketplace, the plat­form set up by the NYIOOC where online shop­pers can buy directly from pro­duc­ers and their autho­rized dis­trib­u­tors within a cen­tral­ized sys­tem.


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