`Barjol Attends Trade Group Meeting in France - Olive Oil Times
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Barjol Attends Trade Group Meeting in France

By Alice Alech
Jun. 25, 2013 09:38 UTC


The annual General Assembly meet­ing of AFIDOL, L’association Française Interprofessionnelle de L’Olive was held in Aix en Provence June 14. President Oliver Nasles out­lined the activ­i­ties for the past year of the pri­vate orga­ni­za­tion set up in 1999 to unite olive oil pro­fes­sion­als, and to improve and develop the pro­duc­tion, pro­cess­ing and mar­ket­ing of olive oil.

Today Afidol has 54 mem­bers rep­re­sent­ing pro­duc­tion, trans­for­ma­tion and com­mer­cial­iza­tion of olive oil, together with 26 mem­bers in the Administration Council.

Jean- Louis Barjol, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the International Olive Council attended the meet­ing where he pre­sented an update on world pro­duc­tion, imports, exports and con­sump­tion. A new lab­o­ra­tory at the Centre Technique de L’Olivier (CTO), a sub­sidiary to Afidol, was inau­gu­rated later that day in Mr. Barjol’s pres­ence.

The ded­i­cated chem­i­cal test­ing lab­o­ra­tory, the only one in France, has been entirely ren­o­vated with the help of European fund­ing and sup­port of the French Ministry of Agriculture and France Agrimer – the national insti­tu­tion for agri­cul­ture and sea prod­ucts. Accredited by COFRAC (Comité Francaise d’ accred­i­ta­tion) CTO is now equipped with liq­uid chromatography,(UPLC) for iden­ti­fy­ing and quan­ti­fy­ing olive oil phe­no­lic com­pounds: with this, Afidol will be able to more effec­tively con­trol qual­ity stan­dards for olives, olive oil and olive oil byprod­ucts.

Afidol is devel­op­ing a com­mer­cial mar­ket of olive oil in the United Kingdom. After a timid start to develop a pro­gram for exports in 2011, Afidol has now estab­lished a clear com­mer­cial plan involv­ing British buy­ers, importers and restau­rant own­ers, and a dozen or so French olive oil estab­lish­ments.

Afidol real­izes the impor­tance of inform­ing and guid­ing French mar­keters of olive oil on best used by dates’, or DLUO (date lim­ite d’utilisation Optimale). Because French olive oil is so diverse, Afidol sees this as a major prob­lem and began three stud­ies last year as to how best advise mar­keters on DLUO. Different types of olive oils are being col­lected, ana­lyzed and stocked by CTO in their lab­o­ra­to­ries. The results will be pub­lished in 2015.


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