`Farmers' Union in Jaén Calls for Official EU Production Estimates - Olive Oil Times
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Farmers' Union in Jaén Calls for Official EU Production Estimates

By Erin Ridley
Oct. 29, 2015 16:00 UTC

Following this week’s olive fore­cast released by the Government of Andalusia, COAG-Jaén has made a request to the region’s Ministry of Agriculture that other olive-pro­duc­ing coun­tries in the EU also pro­vide offi­cial esti­mates.

We are the only ones that do things prop­erly and present an offi­cial fore­cast.- Juan Luis Ávila, COAG-Jaén Secretary General

According to COAG-Jaén (Jaén’s Union of Farmers and Ranchers), Spain’s largest olive-pro­duc­ing region, Andalusia, is cur­rently the only one in the EU to pro­vide an offi­cial pro­duc­tion esti­mate that is val­i­dated by a pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion.

Juan Luis Ávila, COAG-Jaén’s sec­re­tary gen­eral, said: We are the only ones that do things prop­erly and present an offi­cial fore­cast that comes from the Government of Andalusia.”

He went on to say, What we can’t do is con­tinue per­mit­ting the rest of the [olive-pro­duc­ing] coun­tries — at a min­i­mum, those in the EU — to con­tinue throw­ing out vague num­bers, always play­ing with ambi­gu­ity and with­out imple­ment­ing an offi­cial study, which — at all lev­els — harms Spanish pro­duc­ers.”

COAG-Jaén’s coor­di­na­tor explained that if oth­ers pro­duce offi­cial reports as well, then Andalusia won’t be at a dis­ad­van­tage.

COAG-Jaén said that this request has been made to the min­is­ter of agri­cul­ture, Carmen Ortiz, who seemed recep­tive to the idea that this could improve the sector’s sit­u­a­tion, with­out giv­ing way to fur­ther ambi­gu­i­ties.

Where this request goes from here and whether it will be taken up for­mally at a higher level have yet to be announced.

Source: COAG-Jaén


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