`Crop Losses in France Result in Tight Stock, Higher Prices - Olive Oil Times
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Crop Losses in France Result in Tight Stock, Higher Prices

By Alice Alech
Jun. 9, 2015 11:27 UTC

A recent review from the French Interprofessional Association for Olive Oil (Afidol) indi­cated a sharp drop in French olive oil pro­duc­tion for the 2014 – 2015 sea­son with only 2,000 tons of olive oil pro­duced this year.

Afidol esti­mated the total loss in France this to be 10 to 25 per­cent, the worst year since 1956 when severe frost dam­aged olive trees in the coun­try. Some farms have increased their prices and most mills are con­trol­ling their stock.

Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur, one of the hard­est hit of the south­ern olive oil pro­duc­tion regions, showed a severe loss of 69 per­cent with a pro­duc­tion of 1,031 tons in the 2014 – 15 sea­son, com­pared with 3,346 tons in 2013 – 14.
See Also:Complete Coverage of the 2014 Olive Harvest
The French Ministry of Agriculture announced new mea­sures to help pro­duc­ers in mat­ters of pay­ment, taxes and loans. Afidol will also receive gov­ern­ment assis­tance for pest con­trol mea­sures.

Alexandra Paris at Afidol said: Afidol has car­ried out exten­sive nego­ti­a­tions with the Ministry of Agriculture to find solu­tions to help pro­duc­ers and mills sur­vive this dif­fi­cult year. We have also devel­oped our com­mu­ni­ca­tion with olive pro­duc­ers pro­vid­ing more up-to-date news to bet­ter inform and guide them about car­ing for their olive trees through­out the year.”

Some mills and domains have adapted to the short­age by reduc­ing the quan­tity of oil avail­able to their cus­tomers.

Paris added, To keep their cus­tomer happy, most mills have reduced the quan­ti­ties being sold, no more than 1 or 2‑liter con­tain­ers. The goal is to have the oil to offer as long as pos­si­ble and maybe until the next cam­paign. But, it will be dif­fi­cult.”

The National Institute for Agricultural and Sea Products known as France Agrimer, said the dis­as­trous results were mostly due to the rav­ages of the olive fly dis­ease; the mild win­ter, cool sum­mer and mild autumn allowed the pests to flour­ish.

It’s too early to pre­dict but, like other olive grow­ers in Italy and Spain, the French are hop­ing the sit­u­a­tion will improve for 2015- 2016. They are ready to com­bat the fly attack, but France is expe­ri­enc­ing a heat wave at present which could cause the tiny olives to dry and affect har­vest­ing in October.

Alexandra Paris from Afidol added: For the next cam­paign, it’s too early to say what’s going to hap­pen. The flow­er­ing seems good but har­vest­ing is a long way away and a good crop is a com­bi­na­tion of dif­fer­ent fac­tors includ­ing cli­mate. We must be patient.”

With the right weather con­di­tions, olive oil pro­duc­tion in France usu­ally gen­er­ates a lit­tle more than 5,000 tons.


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