`Dcoop to Co-Brand 300K Liters for China's Evergrande Group - Olive Oil Times

Dcoop to Co-Brand 300K Liters for China's Evergrande Group

By Gaynor Selby
Oct. 5, 2015 09:11 UTC

A co-brand­ing deal between Chinese busi­ness group Evergrande and Spanish coop­er­a­tive Dcoop (for­merly Hojiblanca Group), has kicked off with a spe­cial olive oil pro­mo­tional cam­paign in China.

As the pop­u­lar­ity of olive oil increases in China, the two com­pa­nies have entered into a spe­cial agree­ment to push olive oil sales in the huge mar­ket.

Evergrande Group is China’s sec­ond-largest prop­erty devel­oper, which last year diver­si­fied into agribusi­nesses as growth in its real estate oper­a­tions have slowed.

A Dcoop spokesman, Esteban Carneros, told Olive Oil Times the bot­tles will be packed at Dcoop’s sub­sidiary, Mercaoleo.

Dcoop is sell­ing extra vir­gin olive oil to Evergrande, start­ing with 300,000 liters, he added. The brand is Evergrande, but with Dcoop’s logo too as a sup­port on the label, so it’s a co-brand­ing project.”

The 300,000 liters will be bot­tled at the Mercaoleo facil­ity in Antequera, Spain, and exported to China where they will be sold.

The extra vir­gin olive oil that we are pack­ing comes from Antequera’s Protected Designation of Origin, an area with this qual­ity cer­ti­fi­ca­tion label,” Carneros said.

Evergrande is said to have invested at least US$1 mil­lion to launch the brand and will be run­ning a pro­mo­tional cam­paign which includes a series of com­mer­cials to be screened on Chinese Central Television chan­nel CCTV1.

The ads are also being shown in shop­ping malls around key loca­tions, as well as lead­ing super­mar­kets where the prod­uct will be sold.

The nutri­tional qual­i­ties and health ben­e­fits of olive oil are increas­ingly well-known among Chinese con­sumers who are cook­ing with olive oil than more ever before.

Dcoop, which says it devel­ops a tai­lor-made’ olive oil for each client, has been export­ing to China for ten years and works with other brands such as Alisa, Cordoliva, Oliva Bella and Acorsa as well as dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies and retail­ers.

The com­pany also has offices in China.

Chinese con­sumers like healthy prod­ucts, and olive oil is the best type of fat that peo­ple can con­sume,” Carneros explained. In 2013 and 2014, Dcoop exported 3.5 mil­lion liters of packed olive oil to China, and we sell bulk olive oil as well. China’s mar­ket is grow­ing and we are a leader there.”


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