It already speaks Chinese. Brazilian too. Our prized extra virĀgin olive oil has become an examĀple of mulĀtiĀlinĀgual prowess. And only because its benĀeĀfits are recĀogĀnized by those inhabĀiĀtants from other counĀtries who, rather than dressĀing their salĀads or pairĀing it with their recipes, are interĀested in stayĀing healthy.
Oriental and Brazilian palates just love this gasĀtroĀnomic gem and do not hesĀiĀtate to link its oriĀgins to our counĀtry. At least this is the perĀcepĀtion OLIVARAMA got after visĀitĀing the China International Olive Oil Exhibition 2013, in Guangzhou, and SIAL, in Brazil.
Spanish olive oil is curĀrently sold in over 140 counĀtries from all five conĀtiĀnents. Its world-wide renown is on the increase and, in recent years, in emergĀing marĀkets such as China and Brazil it has become far stronger. This is conĀfirmed by varĀiĀous studĀies conĀducted by national bodĀies such as the Spanish International Chamber of Commerce (ICEX) or the Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva EspaƱol, which show that this foodĀstuff is highly acclaimed by conĀsumers in both counĀtries, mainly, due to its qualĀity.
This sitĀuĀaĀtion arises from an obsesĀsion with health that charĀacĀterĀizes both the Chinese and the Brazilian peoĀple, who priĀorĀiĀtize the mulĀtiĀple benĀeĀfits it offers the body when acquirĀing this prodĀuct.
According to the Chinese Customs Authorities, up until June the Asian counĀtry had bought 10,302 tonnes of Spanish oils, repĀreĀsentĀing a growth of 27.50 perĀcent comĀpared to the same period the preĀviĀous year, in 2012. For its part, Brazilian imports also grew by 18.84 perĀcent, to 8,735 tonnes.
Clearly, Made in Spain is triĀumphĀing beyond our borĀders. Sales of our oil are more than just extraĀorĀdiĀnary. Spain is posiĀtioned among the main providers of liqĀuid gold in the world and yet, this is still a great unknown among the majorĀity of the counĀtryās inhabĀiĀtants.
This is why Olivarama, in its tour of varĀiĀous cities all over the world, made a stop in these counĀtries this year in order to spread the word about the jewel of our gasĀtronĀomy. Last June, we visĀited the China International Olive Oil Exhibition 2013, held in Guangzhou. At the end of the same month, we attended SIAL Brazil, in Sao Paulo.
More knowlĀedge, more conĀsumpĀtion
The International Olive Council (IOC) foreĀsees that in the 2012/13 camĀpaign, olive oil conĀsumpĀtion may increase to around 10,000 tonnes in China (twenĀtiĀeth in the world rankĀing of olive oil conĀsumpĀtion and sevĀenth biggest olive oil importer in terms of volĀume); and 70,000 tonnes in Brazil (our secĀond biggest client on the American conĀtiĀnent and ninth world buyer of national oils).
Possibly the most effecĀtive tool for driĀving these figĀures is proĀmoĀtion. Promotional camĀpaigns aimed at the end conĀsumer that underĀline the verĀsaĀtilĀity of this ingreĀdiĀent in the kitchen, itās culĀtural roots, its link to tourism and, it goes withĀout sayĀing, its organolepĀtic propĀerĀties which ultiĀmately increase the numĀber of fans to unsusĀpected heights.
This is someĀthing Olivarama knows all about, as wherĀever it goes it praises the Spanish harĀvests, or rather the extra virĀgins which are so lovĀingly proĀduced by the national proĀducĀers. And we did so in both of the aforeĀmenĀtioned sceĀnarĀios.
Of enorĀmous interĀnaĀtional repute, both the Guangzhou event and that in Sao Paula project a very posĀiĀtive image of the future evoĀluĀtion of Mediterranean diet icon in their respecĀtive marĀkets. This is preĀcisely why Olivarama decided to get more deeply involved in both fairs with a view to fosĀterĀing interĀest in our national juices among proĀfesĀsionĀals and end conĀsumers.
Two desĀtiĀnaĀtions, one senĀsoĀrĀial pleaĀsure
In China, midĀdle-class inhabĀiĀtants do not regĀuĀlarly use olive oil, except in speĀcific cases, although they perĀceive it as a gourmet food, for cosĀmetic or even medĀiĀcĀiĀnal use. In this counĀtry, Spainās posiĀtion as the leadĀing olive oil proĀducer, the sigĀnifĀiĀcant efforts made by comĀpaĀnies and instiĀtuĀtions of the secĀtor to proĀmote the prodĀuct, and the domĀiĀnant presĀence of olive oil on shelves have all conĀtributed to strengthĀenĀing the image of this senĀsoĀrĀial pleaĀsure.
According to the ICEX, the Asian giant probĀaĀbly conĀstiĀtutes the marĀket with most potenĀtial for Spanish olive oil. So is Brazil which, with a popĀuĀlaĀtion of 190 milĀlion inhabĀiĀtants and a strong ecoĀnomic growth, has become one of the priĀorĀity marĀkets for Spanish olive oils.
In the Amazonian counĀtry, the changes regĀisĀtered in conĀsumer tastes in recent years, as well as the increased purĀchasĀing power of the popĀuĀlaĀtion, have boosted the purĀchase of this healthy foodĀstuff which has always been present in the Brazilian diet thanks to the Portuguese culĀtural influĀence.
Both of these terĀriĀtoĀries clearly repĀreĀsent imporĀtant comĀmerĀcial opporĀtuĀniĀties for the Spanish oil comĀpaĀnies which, under threat from growĀing national comĀpeĀtiĀtion, conĀstiĀtute āāvirĀginā marĀkets yet to be explored. Because we must rememĀber that, for instance in China, in regions as proĀlifĀerĀate as Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and Shaanxi they are already culĀtiĀvatĀing their own olive groves.
The incipĀiĀent demand is mainly the result of an increased stanĀdard of livĀing among its citĀiĀzens, who preĀfer to acquire healthĀier foodĀstuffs as opposed to othĀers that are more health harmĀful.
Although it is true that vegĀetable oils conĀsumpĀtion is still sigĀnifĀiĀcant, more and more conĀsumers are introĀducĀing olive oil into their daily diet.
Their shopĀping is limĀited to large cities with a medium-high level of purĀchasĀing power and exquisĀite tastes, together with food habits with westĀern influĀences.
In spite of the fact that its culiĀnary uses are betĀter underĀstood, it is still largely unknown. In homes, this prodĀuct is not used for direct conĀsumpĀtion (salĀads), but rather it is perĀceived as a necĀesĀsary ingreĀdiĀent for fryĀing. The inhabĀiĀtants of Beijing, Canton and Shanghai are the ones who preĀfer to seaĀson their dishes with it.
The majorĀity of sales are regĀisĀtered in superĀmarĀket chanĀnels. It is also sold in the HORECA chanĀnel or gourmet shops.
The deciĀsive facĀtor in Brazilian conĀsumpĀtion habits is the high price and lack of knowlĀedge about its culiĀnary uses, as the majorĀity only use it to dress salĀads, whereas very few use it to cook or fry, for examĀple.
They buy mild oils, that tend to be sweeter, and preĀfer a greenĀish color as they assoĀciate it with qualĀity.
The olive, virĀgin and extra virĀgin catĀeĀgories are usuĀally bought. Use is limĀited, above all, to the Easter and Christmas periĀods to make typĀiĀcal cod dishes.
The midĀdle class conĀsumes most liters, specifĀiĀcally, athĀletes and those conĀcerned about their health as they assoĀciate it with a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Geographically speakĀing, conĀsumpĀtion is mainly conĀcenĀtrated in the southĀeast of the counĀtry, with the main cenĀters being in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
Source: ICEX