`Germans Head to Crete to Harvest Olives - Olive Oil Times
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Germans Head to Crete to Harvest Olives

By Costas Vasilopoulos
Jan. 8, 2013 12:24 UTC

Since 1999, peo­ple from Germany have taken part in the har­vest of olives in Greece, in the frame of a unique type of col­lab­o­ra­tion between olive oil pro­duc­ers from Crete and the Thomas Morus Academy of Cologne, Germany.

This year, thirty peo­ple from the Westphalia region vis­ited the Cretan olive orchards and together with the locals expe­ri­enced all the stages of the har­vest and olive oil pro­duc­tion, with the youngest of the par­tic­i­pants being 14 years old.

There are even wait­ing lists for those who see this as an oppor­tu­nity to do some­thing new and inter­est­ing. Participants also have the chance to taste the agri­cul­tural prod­ucts of Crete and get a feel for the island’s hos­pi­tal­ity.

The head of the ini­tia­tive said that, accord­ing to a research con­ducted by a news chan­nel in Germany, every one of the peo­ple involved can affect nearly 100 other peo­ple mak­ing prospects bet­ter for Greek olive oil abroad.

The out­come in terms of mar­ket fig­ures will prob­a­bly be of a small scale, but it still is a step for­ward and a per­fect sym­bolic ges­ture for the strength­en­ing of the strayed rela­tion­ships of the two coun­tries, a result of the spe­cial cri­sis cir­cum­stances


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