`Olive Oil Giant Hojiblanca Expands into Livestock - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Oil Giant Hojiblanca Expands into Livestock

By Julie Butler
Oct. 16, 2011 20:53 UTC

The Hojiblanca Group, one of the world’s biggest olive oil pro­duc­ers, is now enter­ing the live­stock mar­ket thanks to its fusion with a fel­low Andalusian agri­cul­tural leader, Agropecuaria del Sur.

Hojiblanca already enjoys an annual turnover of 450 mil­lion euros ($603 mil­lion) and Agropecuaria del Sur 25 mil­lion euros ($33 mil­lion) and together aim at achiev­ing a joint 550 mil­lion ($736 mil­lion) in the medium term, accord­ing to El País.

Hojiblanca President, José Moreno, said the inte­gra­tion, announced last week, was, Another step towards the con­sol­i­da­tion of a major mul­ti­sec­to­r­ial agri-food coop­er­a­tive which could take advan­tage of syn­er­gies in sales and mar­ket­ing, enjoy lower costs through joint pur­chas­ing and offer con­sumers qual­ity prod­ucts with cer­ti­fied ori­gin.”

Hojiblanca, which has 92 olive oil co-ops in Andalusia and Castilla-La Mancha, 22 table olive co-ops and 120 sup­ply sub­sidiaries, last year sold 180,000 tons of olive oil and 67,000 tons of able olives. It is Spain´s lead­ing seller of pack­aged olive oil.

Agropecuaria del Sur has three main prod­uct lines: pork, vet­eri­nary prod­ucts and ani­mal fod­der.

Clara Aguilera, Agriculture Minister for the Andalusian regional gov­ern­ment, said such fusions enhanced inte­gra­tion in the food chain,” adding It is only with such large scale enter­prises that we can con­tribute to the sus­tain­abil­ity of the sec­tor, improv­ing its prof­itabil­ity and com­pet­i­tive­ness, and pro­mot­ing the inter­na­tion­al­iza­tion of its prod­ucts.”


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